20th Century Girl (A Moview)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I swear, the 90s and early 00s are the most interesting era, coz it’s not that too vintage and it’s not that too modern. It just runs in the middle of both vintage and modern era, and lately, Kdramas have been rediscovering the 90s theme and I kinda loving what they are doing. We had so many Kdramas that were actually set up during the 90s and early 00s. This time, they made another extraordinary film, it is yet to be told that this film is actually trying to give us the modern vintage vibes but right now, I’m gonna say it, it is catering the era which I clearly remember. I’m a 90s kid so I’d say this is one of the best story I’ve come across.

The story started with a girl named Na Bo-ra, played by Kim You-jung who also played in The Rookie Girl who promised her ill best friend whose going to have her surgery that she will find her best friend’s crush, whom she mentioned was named Baek Hyun-Jin. Na Bo-ra tried her best to get information of the said boy and met Poong Woon-Ho, Baek Hyun-Jin’s best friend.

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