20th Century Girl (A Moview)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I swear, the 90s and early 00s are the most interesting era, coz it’s not that too vintage and it’s not that too modern. It just runs in the middle of both vintage and modern era, and lately, Kdramas have been rediscovering the 90s theme and I kinda loving what they are doing. We had so many Kdramas that were actually set up during the 90s and early 00s. This time, they made another extraordinary film, it is yet to be told that this film is actually trying to give us the modern vintage vibes but right now, I’m gonna say it, it is catering the era which I clearly remember. I’m a 90s kid so I’d say this is one of the best story I’ve come across.

The story started with a girl named Na Bo-ra, played by Kim You-jung who also played in The Rookie Girl who promised her ill best friend whose going to have her surgery that she will find her best friend’s crush, whom she mentioned was named Baek Hyun-Jin. Na Bo-ra tried her best to get information of the said boy and met Poong Woon-Ho, Baek Hyun-Jin’s best friend.

With the sudden interest with Hyun-Jin, Bo-ra tried to ask Woon-Ho things about his best friend not knowing that later on she will know that her best friend mistakenly identified Woon-Ho as Hyun-Jin. Before Bo-ra even knew that, she developed feelings to Woon-Ho already and when her best friend corrected the mistake she made, Bo-ra thought that trying to set up Woon-Ho with her best friend will help her not to feel guilty of liking her best friend’s crush.

However, it made the situation worst when suddenly her best friend notices that Woon-Ho is actually in love with Bo-ra and then the rest is history (so you better watch it.)

The Verdict

I don’t like it. Not because it I really don’t like it but I don’t like how the way it ended because it hurts my entire existence knowing the ending wasn’t happy at all, yes, that’s my main spoiler.

I love it. I love how they made all the characters grow into one story and made it more relatable. This flash back movie is like a memory of someone who was ghosted and finally in the end, she gets the answer she was looking for but not the answer she was expecting. There’s so much more with this plot and I think there’s more to it that its story. The whole thing conveys a deep message and I love how cinematography and writing is making us see that.

At first, I was skeptical to watch this movie, knowing that it will be just another romantic film or a usual bf/gf story but it wasn’t. (Why am I even surprised? It’s a Kdrama, I should’ve prepared myself for unexpected events)

One more thing is that the story went straightforward without telling too much. I love how they just make it more concise rather than a very long boring story. Some movies just need a brief story to become one of the best plots ever seen.

This is actually an article with full of compliments towards the movie and I think it is one of the best so far this year. I won’t mind keeping some spoilers but I would love to have my readers see this movie and be surprised and say, “Yes, rj is right.”

I’d give this a 95% wonderroanne rating!

Note: I will post a second article about this movie, talking about the ending…soon!

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