Wednesday (TV Series)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“I know I’m stubborn, single-minded, and obsessive. But those are all traits of great writers… And serial killers.”

-Wednesday, Jenna Ortega

If you have seen the series of cartoons and movie adaptations of The Addams Family, then you will know the one and only daughter of the dark, Wednesday Addams. In this Gen Z era, Netflix have come up to relive the Addams Family fever by making a live action series that is focused on Wednesday alone. Of course, we have seen what the family can do, and so I think having Netflix to try and make it darker than it was, I think it a straight yes to me.

In this 8-episode-long series, Wednesday was sent to School of Outcasts, known as `Nevermore Academy, this is the school where Wednesday’s parents, Morticia and Gomez attended school when they were young. The only problem is, by coming back to the Academy, the Addams Family has so many memories in it that some of them were actually memories of an unfinished business. The series is focusing on Wednesday’s social skills and how she can make friends despite her dark image.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

In the past year, Black Panther movie has shaken the entire world and made a mark to Marvel and non-Marvel fans. Chadwick Boseman is one of the most remarkable actor in the industry, everything has been said about him, good praises for his acting for the role of King T’Challa up to becoming the Black Panther, Chadwick has really marked his name on that Hollywood stone. However, his limelight and dreams were cut short after he was diagnosed of Colon Cancer. While in treatment, he was able to join and do cameos for other MCU Films, but sadly, he passed away at 43 years old last August 28, 2020. It was a very heart breaking moment for all, not only his family but for everyone in the industry and even his fans. The world has mourned his death, the death of a man and the King of Wakanda.

Two years after his death, Marvel `Cinematic Universe has emerged forward and released the film Black Panther: Wakanda `Forever and this movie is not just any other MCU movies out there

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