M3GAN: Are We Ready To Play With AI? (A Moview)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

I bet this sounds cliché but haven’t we tried for so many years to innovate the technology that wee have to be able to build Artificial Intelligence that can help us with our every day lives? At this point, we have robots that can serve in restaurants, even robots which can cook your meals like a chef and even robots which can actually help you clean your house and many more, these are only some of the examples how the technology has improved each year.

However, are we actually ready to have a human-like robots to actually replace the manpower? there are technology used nowadays to operate a patient without the human hands, just by operating it from afar, robot hands can actually slice up a human and fix whatever needed to be fixed. This is how modern our generation right now. We are actually sitting in a world full of robots. Whether you admit it or not, there’s always a robot in our every day lives. We can’t erase it anymore. But the question is, how ready are we? How much do we know about robots? Can we actually trust our lives to technology despite of a chance to have errors along the way?

This new movie entitled M3gan, directed by Gerard Johnstone, is a story about a lifelike doll that’s programmed to become a child’s best friend, like an artificial doll but this time, it acts like a child and it can protect it’s owner from any possible harm. M3gan was designed by Gemma, played by Allison Williams, for her niece, Cady, played by Violet McGraw, whose parents were killed in a crash. Gemma, programmed M3gan to become Cady’s best friend, teacher, and companion, well, everything that a busy parent could’ve wanted to accompany their children.

However as the days passed, Gemma is noticing something odd about M3gan and she thinks that she have programmed her too much that it harms other people that goes on the way of her owner. When Gemma’s boss discovers M3gan, he immediately proposed it to the board and settle to the public in intruding an AI to be each of the girls in the world’s best friend. It’s like a doll but only 10,000$ more expensive than a plastic one.

Gemma also notices the change to Cady’s attitude, at first, M3gan seemed to have helped Cady but the child has become dependent of the doll that she cannot move without it. The bond they have is more than just best friend, it felt like more of a companionship that if they M3gan is not around, Cady threw tantrums on everyone, wanting to have m3gan around her only. The more it becomes close to Cady, the more dangerous the doll gets.

The Verdict

The movie is actually for everyone, especially for young girls, considering it is also rated PG13 so even though there’s quite a scare, I think it will give children the sneak peak of how would it become if they rely on technology alone. Obviously, there’s always a side effect on everything that we make, nothing is perfect; even robots can make mistakes and sometimes, those mistakes can make a huge problem and this is what happened ion the movie.

The movies was not even a horror one, it was a pure AI malfunction that I think is very relevant today since most kids lately have become dependent with their tablets and smartphones, even with warnings, we cannot remove the gadgets form them. Most children just stay calm when they hold a table and watch some kiddie shows available. But how would it become if one day, you get a robot and this robot malfunctioned? This is what the movie is trying to imply. They want us to know that there’s no way as doll can actually replace humans.

And one thing I saw is the change of Cady’s attitude when they took away M3gan from her. It’s like she because a whole new person, she became violent, not knowing who to respect and how to respond to adults. M3gan eventually became a liability but Gemma did something that any business man cannot do, to take a step back and fix things, if possible to fix. But since the technology had gone bad, here they are battling an artificial intelligence only to find out that robots can actually kill you.

All in all this is a very good movie and I can’t help but think of so many sequel plots for this because at the end of the movie, there was a hint that it might get another installment and I think I would love to see that. After all, we have so few movies that tackles AI aside from the ones which were released many years ago. I bet having to relive AI focused movies will also be interesting too.

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