Unlocked: A Moview (Spoiler Alert)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Ever since the booming of the modern technology, we have been warned to stay away from sharing personal information online and even pictures, because of the danger that someone might use it for catfishing or even send you threats. Many people have been victimized by these so called information thieves or hackers. These people are the ones who use technology to steal an individual’s personal information by means of tearing their accounts, or even their phones or laptops.

Many celebrities have been victimized by hackers and there are so many scandal of even normal people that have been leaked throughout the years. Today, a new released movie in Netflix entitled Unlocked has reminded us the precautions and the things we need to observe when handling our personal items.

Unlocked is a realistic thriller that focuses on a murder case and the serial killer is hacking the victim’s phone in order to access their personal life and stalk them. Played by Yim Siwan, he picks up lost phone on public transportation and lures his victims to his lair or to his trap. In the film they showed the process how he manages to install a spyware in the victim’s phone, allowing him to see everything that the person does on her phone and even access it remotely to serve as a spy camera in order to know details where the victim is living and what she does in her everyday life, even who her friends were.

The movie definitely reflects the every day life of a hacker/stalker, while being investigated, he uses someone’s name, Jun Yeong, one of his victims whose father is an investigator. They thought that Jun Yeong has been doing all the killings but in the end they discovered that it is a different person.

The most disturbing part in the movie was when the killer saved all the phones he uses and the wallpapers in each of them are the last photo that was taken before he kills them. Of course, he is a serial killer and it has a pattern but imagine seeing all those phones, that means he killed so many people in the past.

Obviously, I like how the movie plot was made, because it is very much common nowadays to face this kind of situation, even hackers can steal your money remotely or even change your identity into someone else. This is only an eye opener that we should be careful and we need to make sure we take care of our belongings because if it lands in the wrong hands, then you’re gonna be suffering the same or even worse.

However, the film was a little short that expected. it won’t be nice as a series but it would be nicer if they at least made the movie 2-hrs long because I think, as a viewer, I would want to see how this started, or why this guy has been doing the killings. In the post credit, it says there that he was born with no identity, I mean I wanna know more about his story. right? And also they showed that Na Mi is actually somehow famous right now and there’s someone who’s following her and showing people her location. Is there a second entry for this movie? Well, we will have to know.

Anyways, all in all I would definitely recommend this movie because this movie serves as an awareness and yes, it reminded me to be careful of not leaving my phones unattended. And most of all, we really need an update for cybersecurity.

I will give this 89% wonderroanne rating.

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