YOU: Again, again, again and again…

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Is this the final season of Joe Goldberg? Or there’s certainly more? We don’t know… but what I know is that I have so many things to say about this season. I actually did review the first part so if you wanna read it you can click here.

Well just like the usual, we are spoiling some details or maybe more, so please do click at your own risk…

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The Glory: Ending Explained

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Well, here we are again, after three months of waiting, there’s that, we now have the conclusion for our The Glory Moview. I have written review for the part 1 which was released last December, you can read that for you read this article, to just have an introduction of what we are actually talking about. Click here.

Did you finish reading my review and watching the part 1? Then let’s go talk about the part 2. Again, this will be a disclaimer because we will actually talk about the theories and the results of the events so, if you haven’t read or watch, better do so. I won’t apologize for spoiling on my reviews coz, I have you warned. LOL

Continue reading “The Glory: Ending Explained”

Perfect Match: (A Moview)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Okay, this is not the first time I am reviewing dating reality tv shows because I have reviewed so many. You know how I love reality shows and yes, I’m all about it when I get the chance to. Okay so let’s talk about this new dating show that Netflix have concocted. The title is Perfect Match, basically, right off the bat we know what these people are actually looking for…the perfect match! surprising, isn’t? yeah, I sarcastically said that.

Continue reading “Perfect Match: (A Moview)”