Perfect Match: (A Moview)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Okay, this is not the first time I am reviewing dating reality tv shows because I have reviewed so many. You know how I love reality shows and yes, I’m all about it when I get the chance to. Okay so let’s talk about this new dating show that Netflix have concocted. The title is Perfect Match, basically, right off the bat we know what these people are actually looking for…the perfect match! surprising, isn’t? yeah, I sarcastically said that.

These new dating show is actually filled with familiar faces from other dating shows that we’ve watched and have gone viral. I’m talking about Love is Blind, The Circle, Too Hot to Handle and The Mole which is fairly addictive on their own ways. If you haven’t watched them, then you should coz they’re one hell of a show, plus, you will have the chance to know the casts before you even watch Perfect Match.

I’m not gonna do some introduction because we all know what this show is about but I will tell you the mechanics of the game; Basically, there will be group of men and women that will enter the house and on to be able to stay in the game they need to match with another person and sleep with them for the rest of the night. Whoever is left with no partners or matches, then they’re gonna go home. The next day, they will be challenged to a physical game that will put their compatibility to test, the couple who will in the compatibility challenge will have the power to choose two more individuals to enter the house, but the twist is, they will have to match these new ones to someone from the house to go on a blind date before they enter the house and then the loop starts all over.

Some of the familiar faces, well, actually they all are but I’m gonna name a few, Francesca and Georgia from Too Hot to Handle, Joe and Savannah from The Circle, Shayne from The Love is Blind, Dom from The Mole, Say from The Ultimatum and many more… Yes, I won’t reveal them all coz this show is such a crazy one that I wanted all my reader to watch it for themselves. The first two days were alright but the following days were too crazy because it’s like a show where you just gotta play wisely to be able to stay, it’s like Survivor meet Temptation Island.

The show definitely gave me more reason to stay put and search for my perfect match very wisely. Impulsive choosing is not always a good thing, especially when it comes to dating. We cannot just find the one by choosing someone under pressure. Love actually takes time. And the show really did show us how clever the casts and the way they put on a show. Like nowadays we meet different kinds of people and they just showed ask those kinds in one sitting.

All in all, like the usual, reality tv show, despite being scripted most of the time, it still teaches us lessons that we can actually learn from. Although everything is cliche, I would still give this 89% wondewrroane rating. I’m in it for the twists that happened in the show.

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