Little Mermaid (A Book, Cartoon and Film Comparison)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Look at this stuff, isn’t neat… Oh yeah, that song, we all know that. And this is one of the most famous Disney fairytales which has now been remade into a live action movie, meaning, there’s a real life girl playing as a Little Mermaid, Ariel. If you’re a 80s-90s baby, you’ll appreciate the fact that technology has its ways to make your favorite cartoons come to life, and as impossible as it was when you were a kid, now, you can just imagine yourself being that girl, but this time, seeing it as a real human not a cartoon character. We’ve watched, Mulan, Cinderella, Belle, Jasmine, and Aurora in live action films and this time, we’ve got ourselves the opportunity to witness Ariel coming into life.

For this who don’t know, Little Mermaid was written by Hans Christian Anderson in 1870 which became a cartoon story made by Disney in the late 80s. From then and there we got all the dish about Little Mermaid and being the only mermaid as a Disney princess, she is definitely became one of the favorites.

The book and the cartoon, however constructs a different story. The cartoon, was made for kids but the book was made for Fantasy seekers and not for fainted hearts. I believe I not need Andy versions on where I compare the two but, I’d be happy to include this before I even review the live action movie of the Little Mermaid. So let’s start.

For those who never read nor watch any of the Little Mermaid versions, please do so, at least one of those available so you will understand where I’m actually coming from. Before you click/scroll more, this will be my official disclaimer.

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Selling Sunset: Is Chrishell Out?

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Well, The new season of Selling Sunset is out and I can’t believe I have been reviewing it every time they release new seasons. I do think that the reality show is somehow overly dramatic, considering that for sure it has been a little bit scripted but who doesn’t like drama? But this time is very different because I think it’s too overrated already at this point.

The previous season ended up having Chrishell and Jason breaking up and then now they are starting the season by both of them having new younger partners, Chrishell has Flip G, and Jason has Marie Lou. This means the two are actually having their own lives without any dramas, just being in love with another partners.

The Oppeinheim Group recruited new realtor, Bre, who happens to be the baby mama of one of Nick Cannon’s babies (We all know he has lots of babies, so yeah, that Nick.) and this event has shaken the OG girls a bit, especially Chelsea (Christine’s new bff, in the last season), now that Christine is out of the picture, She’s on her own, although she made quite of friends like Heather, but looks like this season, Chelsea is being the villain over Bre’s life choices and ‘baby daddy’ choices. First episode, and bam! Chelsea is the new Christine. Not that I don’t like her, but clearly the production made her fill up Christine’s shoes by being her and I mean ‘her’, because we all know how Christine makes an entrance with her extra outfits and yes, Chelsea is doing that now, and a little extra.

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Project Q, I say, Project Quit.

Last May 25, PlayStation Showcase event spent all the time on revealing new games and other upcoming events for PlayStation but at the last part of the event, they revealed and not so surprising new console, but this time it is handheld, just like Nintendo Switch and other handheld consoles that are getting in the mainstream nowadays.

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XO, Kitty: A Spin Off We Never Expected

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Lara Jean’s story may be interesting but what about the people around her? We all know that To All The Boy I Loved Before is a hit coz all trilogy were exciting. Well, this 2023, enough with Lara Jean but let’s talk about her youngest sister, Kitty, the Matchmaker. We all know her the pushy sister who sent all the letters to the post, hence, she is the reason why the movie even happened, technically speaking.

Since there’s no more story to tell about Lara Jean coz we all know about her escapades and all the things she needed to face and leave, and she is happy everywhere else, that leaves Kitty alone with her dad and Trina. Which means all the things she needs to do may involve on taking the opportunity of looking about her Asian-Korean culture with the help of her mom’s memories. She discovered that her mom went to KISS (Korean Independent School of Seoul) having a scholarship which she later on tried to apply to and luckily she got in; it’s the same school where her penpal/boyfriend, Dae is studying.

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Fast and Furious X: Everything You Need To Know (Hard Spoilers Alert‼️)

Who would’ve thought that a movie about cars, drag races, gang and heist will become this big of a franchise? We all know that Fast and Furious is actually famous ever since its first release on 2001 but it is not hidden in public records that F&F franchise just went a little more in the higher scale after Paul Walker died (in 2013 of a … Continue reading Fast and Furious X: Everything You Need To Know (Hard Spoilers Alert‼️)

Black Knight: Some Time In The Future?

Some of the well-known Dystopian movies were mostly made by American production, to name a few, we have Divergent, Hunger Games, Maze Runner and these movies were actually adapted from Sci-fi Young Adult Books that were published more than 10 years ago. One of the most unique Dystopian movie that I have watched was also In Time, in which they have timers in their arms that signifies the life span they have, the more time you got, the more time you can live. It was starred by Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. To add more, you have The Purge movies, 5th Wave, Death Cure and Planet of the Apes Movie series. These movies are depicting the possible future of there world when everything has been destroyed or the political background of each of every one of us has changed and the society has completely depend its ways to survive to a new system. These are works of art that represents the great mystery and wilderness.

I know when you say dystopian, some of you will think this is another useless action movie that shows how life will continue even after the apocalypse or the judgement day but this however, in reality, constructs the same pyramids of priority that the present society have, although they just dress it into after-the-end kind of situation, but I believe that whoever made these stories, plots, they know what they are talking about, and they have seen injustice with their own eyes.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie (A Moview)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Okay, this is not a drill but yes, they released a live-cartoon action movie of Super Mario Bros this 2023 and it’s better than the video games. If you’re a fan of Nintendo Games, then you’ll know who Super Mario is, well, there’s so much to catch up on if you don’t know him. Most 90s kids know him, even the ones who have been breathing in 1985. It is the most popular retro game of all time, that even generations of today still enjoys the game and the game has improved so much that Nintendo released 4K games and they’re closer to real. This April 2023, they have released the movie which is all about Mario and Luigi and their journey to saving friends which based entirely with the game.

The movie started with Mario and Luigi getting their dream plumbing business into reality, however, fate is not always in favour of them; even their own family doesn’t want to believe in the things that they can do, hence, the low-self esteem of Mario. However, as we all know, Mario was made to do extraordinary things, just like int the game and so they tried to keep their business by trying a much bigger challenges like saving Brooklyn from flood. In the course of trying to look for the root cause of the flooding in the city of Brooklyn, they end up being sucked up by the pipe, just like in the games, leading them into two different worlds, Luigi fell into Bowser’s Kingdom, the evil turtle who kidnaps Princess Peach in the game while Mario ends up in the Mushroom world where Princess Peach and the toads live.

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Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

It may have been a long wait for the follow up season for the Bridgerton series but this month, Shondaland Media has yet again surprise us with another interesting back story. After the whole Lady Whistledown catch ups, this time, we are seeing a what it seems to be a prequel or maybe an origin story of the majesty, Queen Charlotte.

For those who don’t know, Bridgerton Series is about Bridgerton clan living in the Regent era of England. The first season is about Daphne Bridgerton and Duke of Hastings while the second season was about Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma. I have written reviews about it too.

This new entry by Shonda is a bit different from the books as this is somehow a back story for a certain character in the series and well, the most interesting one, I must say. She is none other than Queen Charlotte. We all know who she is in Bridgerton, but do we really know what her story is or is there so much that we don’t know that even Lady Whistledown won’t be able to discover for herself and only the queen can actually tell the real story.

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There’s A Chance of Perfection

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life. One of the teachers I had when I was in high-school was known for being very critical. She is somehow considered as a perfectionist when it comes to everything. She teaches English, Choir and even the adviser the of the school paper. When I was a choir, I always get sick very … Continue reading There’s A Chance of Perfection

Beautiful Disaster: Is It Really? (A Moview)

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Well, all my readers know that aside from how good I am at comparison articles, I really love reading and that means, I have watched tons of movies that were adapted actual books, I know it is not new to this site but I should let the readers know. I take comparison from comics to reel or books to reel seriously and I mean seriously, like this new movie that was released, it is actually adapted from one of the greatest books that I have read of all time.

I’m talking about Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, It’s a series and there are other books that will justify the sequel. This 2023, movie world has decided to make it a live action movie rather than sitting in the bookshelf of those who read it since it became famous in 2011. Directed by Roger Kumble, same director for the After series, he is actually making the famous romance books true to life.

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