John Wick 4: An End Of An Era Or Just A Start Of The Real One?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Who doesn’t know John Wick? I guess every one knows John Wick as the hitman who took revenge for his dead puppy, yes, if you haven’t watched the first movie, it literally started with him trying to kill the man who killed his puppy during a supposedly break-in. He lost his wife, he wanted to retire from his job and live with his puppy but fate has its own course of events for him and so history begins itself.

This 2023, we are seeing the 4th installment of the John Wick movie series. The third one is when he became ex-communicated and everyone just tries to kill him. The third movie didn’t actually finished as him being reinstated and living as a free man, it did continue, hence, John Wick 4.

And yes, this is another major spoiler alert coz I’m gonna explain and do some theories about the ending…read at your own risk.

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