John Wick 4: An End Of An Era Or Just A Start Of The Real One?

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Who doesn’t know John Wick? I guess every one knows John Wick as the hitman who took revenge for his dead puppy, yes, if you haven’t watched the first movie, it literally started with him trying to kill the man who killed his puppy during a supposedly break-in. He lost his wife, he wanted to retire from his job and live with his puppy but fate has its own course of events for him and so history begins itself.

This 2023, we are seeing the 4th installment of the John Wick movie series. The third one is when he became ex-communicated and everyone just tries to kill him. The third movie didn’t actually finished as him being reinstated and living as a free man, it did continue, hence, John Wick 4.

And yes, this is another major spoiler alert coz I’m gonna explain and do some theories about the ending…read at your own risk.

In the 4th movie, he is still an ex-communicado and his price has gone high up (from 10 million dollars to 40 million dollars, I hope, I stated the numbers correctly) that everyone just wanted his head at this point. At the end of the 3rd movie, we saw him ‘almost dead’ in Intercontinental New York and that sparked a bit of a controversy to the higher ups and so in the 4th installment we can see how Intercontinental New York was destroyed, assuming they have helped John during the battle, to be reinstated and all, which I think was actually one of the most practical reasons for seeing the hotel go down and then the new enemy just started to try to kill John by using his old friends against him. And by going directly to the Higher Table, there’s always a price for it. John wanted to just go as a free man and leave the job but the job won’t leave him and so John Wick 4, has been made.

Marquis, the man of the hour, the frontman for the Higher Table is challenging John to a battle, but he chose to use John’s weaknesses, by hiring an old friend, Caine, one of the best agents and John’s friend. He is a blind agent but the best one even among the ones with sight. They used Caine’s daughter as a collateral for this mission. Kill John and he is a freeman, with a consolation of having his daughter back.

Of course, who say no to that. Marquis had him in his hand, while they hunt John down, he was able to seek help from another close friend who runs Intercontinental Japan, who has a daughter too, and as a father, he wanted to protect his friend and his daughter at the same time. He fought until the end to protect John and his daughter only to end up not being able to protect himself.

Not only that, John is now an expensive meat to catch and so we meet the bounty hunter. He wants John for the price money but in the movie, he surprisingly gave us another angle in the story. He is an enemy but at the same time, a friend. There’s so much more about his story so you better watch the movie itself.

At the end, Caine got his freedom back, John defeated Marquis but the most surprising thing is that John has succumb to his injuries after a whole day of getting punched, kicked and ran over.

The question now, is it really the end for John Wick or there’s more?

Ending and Post Credit Scene

Surprise, surprise, no one expected the ending. John Wick spared Caine’s life by not pulling the trigger against him, he just let him take his last shot and then John’s shot was actually for Marquis, it was like a mind blowing puzzle game. Obviously, John won the battle, Caine got his freedom back and Marquis is finally dead with just one shot, after all those theories he thought will happen.

What was surprising was the turn of events. The bounty hunter helped Caine and John reach the battle field before sunrise, and that race to sunrise is so funny, like the whole cinema was so quiet, without even hearing someone take a breathe. It’s like the movie just took every inch of our breathes, thinking what could’ve happened to John on that moment. He survived but he experience so many blows which I think has contributed to his injuries.

The movie ended, by John asking Winston to bring him home. And yes, Winston brought him home, to his wife and as requested, he put ‘A Loving Husband’ on his grave stone.

The post credit scene is surprising. Caine is free from any responsibility, however, while he was working with Marquis, he killed Koji, the Osaka Continental manager, and their old friend. As I mentioned, he has a daughter, her name is Akira and she promise John that she will retaliate, hoping to get revenge for her father’s death, by retaliation, I mean, she wanted to kill Caine. So now, we are left with two questions.

Is John going to be really dead? Or is this some kind of ‘end’ and then they will do some ‘rebirth’ edition, where John will be alive or be like an AI-supported body, just like in the Resident Evil movies and then he’s gonna be immortal?

Why would they show another pending story with Akira, seeking revenge? Is there more story to it? What’s the connection of these two with getting the series continue without John(if in case, he is really dead), are they actually going to make another movie, an independent one, focusing on Caine and Akira? Well, too much of a mystery but for now, those are the cliff hangers.

The Verdict

Do I need to say more? Like this movie is somehow the epitome of everything I wanted an action movie to be, expect the unbelievable strength of John Wick, he is like Cardo Dalisay(A filipino fictional character who has survived so many bullets during battles and surprisingly still alive), like he won’t die even after so many seasons.

Honestly, I feel like this movie is an answer to everything that lacked in the 3rd installment, I didn’t like John Wick 3, it was all blur, it ended hoping for viewers to want more, which made me think it was just a marketing strategy for viewers to want more but not because they like it but because they haven’t seen the real reason of even releasing that 3rd sequel. The John Wick 3 was just a movie where all John did was run and run without backing up any deeper story, aside from what was obvious.

I am actually glad that they made the new one a living proof that there can be a progress if they just wanted to really make a story out of it, although Maquis was actually not that too important, like the guys running after John would be enough as is. Although, yes, the Marquis part did made a relatively accurate story on why would Caine kill John, coz they were friends, killing Koji will also progress on another story and then poof! We have those cliff hangers.

All in all, I love the movie. Keanu Reeves is a proof that action movies should still be made, no matter how expensive the production is and not only that, the story line of every movie he accepts is actually extraordinary.

Would definitely recommend this, a 93% wonderroanne rating!

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