Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

It may have been a long wait for the follow up season for the Bridgerton series but this month, Shondaland Media has yet again surprise us with another interesting back story. After the whole Lady Whistledown catch ups, this time, we are seeing a what it seems to be a prequel or maybe an origin story of the majesty, Queen Charlotte.

For those who don’t know, Bridgerton Series is about Bridgerton clan living in the Regent era of England. The first season is about Daphne Bridgerton and Duke of Hastings while the second season was about Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma. I have written reviews about it too.

This new entry by Shonda is a bit different from the books as this is somehow a back story for a certain character in the series and well, the most interesting one, I must say. She is none other than Queen Charlotte. We all know who she is in Bridgerton, but do we really know what her story is or is there so much that we don’t know that even Lady Whistledown won’t be able to discover for herself and only the queen can actually tell the real story.

In the first season, it was evident that King George is not well and Queen Charlotte is practically on her own, we have not scene the King interact with many people, not as much, if I remember and apparently there’s a reason for that.

In this entry, it starts on the day they have arranged the wedding of Charlotte (Played by India Amarteifio) and King George(played by Corey Mylchreest). Charlotte was originally from Germany, assisted by her brother, Adolphus, she went to England to be the bride of the king. Their first meeting was rather cute than anything, `Charlotte tried to climb the wall but before she even does, George saw her and yes, Charlotte didn’t know that he was the king, until George revealed. They marry eventually, however, during the first night of their wedding, the king refused to stay with Charlotte, which made her confused and upset. Days passed and she still don’t understand what’s going on and so she tried to seek answers only to find out that if George lives beside her, they will grow further apart and she will eventually discover the illness and the secret of the crown. She now with a child, trying to flee the country and back to Germany with her brother, however, she has to choose carefully. Will she be able to save the King’s sanity or how will she stay behind close doors, trying to hide this big secret from everyone.

While in the present time, Queen Charlotte is actually having a crisis due to the death of the princess royal during her child birth and the child died with her too, bringing a ratio of none to heir the throne. Queen Charlotte and King George bore 13 offsprings however not one of them was able to marry in time to bear a child to become the royal prince/princess. As a successful matchmaker, the Queen must find someone for her children or else their line will be gone.

The story doesn’t revolve around Charlotte only, but it is rather with two more strong ladies of the series, Lady Agatha Danbury and Violet Bridgerton; the two widows who serve huge roles in the series as well. “““““““““““ Lady Danbury is actually married to an old man whom she was fixed when she was still three years old while Violet Bridgerton is a smart young lady who is ever curious about making equality live in their community.

And to our surprise, Lady Danbury has quite a story as well, trying to make a name for her community, she is to lead people with color to exist in the community, with the same respect that the white’s are getting. Yes, in fact Queen Charlotte was the first step of the experiment they were doing to mix the whites and the men with color.

While Violet, in present, is trying to figure out how to live a new life as a widower and trying to discover how to love again however, while she spends time with Lady Danbury, she discovers another truth about her family in connection with Lady Danbury, yes, Lady Danbury has found refuge and care form Violet’s father Lord Ledger. This affair ended however, it will be another story to follow up on what will happen to the relationship of the Bridgerton with Lady Danbury.

How interesting right?

The Verdict

It is obvious to me that we all know the answer to this, of course I love it. I just love Regency era of England. All the revelations are spot on and the most interesting of this series were actually none of the main characters but the side kicks, Brimsley and Reynolds, they’re actually quite a sight. They have slept few times on screen and so I believe there’s a reason to ask a question where are they in the present, we all know that Brimsley is still working with the Queen, but what happened to him and Reynolds in the long run? Right? We are curious.

The marriage of King George and Queen Charlotte may have been a tragedy, but in the end they both love each other under circumstances. I love the scene in the 5th episode how Charlotte asked George if he loves her and it was really a moving scene which made me realize that the series is actually telling more story behind all the chaos. You see, in the present, everyone thinks the Queen is cold but in reality, she just lived a life full of challenges.

I also loved how they managed to tell another side in all those scenes. In the 4th episode, they managed to show George’s point of view. And I think that is one of the good thing in this series.

All in all, I will recommend to watch this because there’s some deeper stories connected into the next season of Bridgerton and I think the story of the King and the Queen is rather a perfect love story plus add the Brimsley and Reynolds love team too. haha! 😂 This is a 89% wonderroanne rating.

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