Project Q, I say, Project Quit.

Last May 25, PlayStation Showcase event spent all the time on revealing new games and other upcoming events for PlayStation but at the last part of the event, they revealed and not so surprising new console, but this time it is handheld, just like Nintendo Switch and other handheld consoles that are getting in the mainstream nowadays.

This is somehow very different from PSP and PS Vita because the Project Q is your PS5 extension. Some of the physical features are the 8inch LCD Screen, 1080 resolution and 60Hz refresh rate which means, games will play smoothly on it, just like how you play it on 4K (probably).

What does it mean when I say extension? I get it, it’s a bit confusing when I said it is not PSP but it looks like it. One of the features of the Project Q is you’ll be able to play it anywhere but it has limited coverage only, coz if you can only use it with the same Wifi, meaning you can use it anywhere at home and that’s about it, if you get the Project Q, you’ll still need to connect it with your PS5 before you can even play.

I guess this is an answer for the Backbone PS5 version that launched last year, the Backbone actually makes remote play a lot easier by using your phone and connecting it to the Backbone Joystick, however, features are still limited because it will just give you limited options especially when on remote play, although the best part of it is that there are other games that are compatible to use with the Backbone, basically they made for you to be able to go into other rooms of your house and play your PS5. So Project Q is quite the same, just it is connected with your PS5 and I think remote play is not even necessary.

They also added that they will be releasing their first wireless earbuds which actually got my attention coz I love Sony earphones, and if they have a technology coming out and it is on the new wireless buds, then I think it’s quite cool. However, we still didn’t hear anything further than that announcement, which means we will have to wait for Sony’s announcement.

The one thing that I wished Sony considered is that we don’t need another extension, we need a stand alone handheld portable gaming console that can let us play outside but still will give an the immersion that Sony PlayStation gives. I was expecting a new PSP, not an extension hardware. I mean, nowadays, with all the handhelds being released, even gaming company released their own versions of it.

I guess we will have to see for ourselves if this Project Q is actually worth it, but for now, I don’t think it is, coz I have two Nintendo Switch and a Backbone, so if they don’t change the concept, this will be just a waste of a buck.

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