Selling Sunset: Is Chrishell Out?

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

Well, The new season of Selling Sunset is out and I can’t believe I have been reviewing it every time they release new seasons. I do think that the reality show is somehow overly dramatic, considering that for sure it has been a little bit scripted but who doesn’t like drama? But this time is very different because I think it’s too overrated already at this point.

The previous season ended up having Chrishell and Jason breaking up and then now they are starting the season by both of them having new younger partners, Chrishell has Flip G, and Jason has Marie Lou. This means the two are actually having their own lives without any dramas, just being in love with another partners.

The Oppeinheim Group recruited new realtor, Bre, who happens to be the baby mama of one of Nick Cannon’s babies (We all know he has lots of babies, so yeah, that Nick.) and this event has shaken the OG girls a bit, especially Chelsea (Christine’s new bff, in the last season), now that Christine is out of the picture, She’s on her own, although she made quite of friends like Heather, but looks like this season, Chelsea is being the villain over Bre’s life choices and ‘baby daddy’ choices. First episode, and bam! Chelsea is the new Christine. Not that I don’t like her, but clearly the production made her fill up Christine’s shoes by being her and I mean ‘her’, because we all know how Christine makes an entrance with her extra outfits and yes, Chelsea is doing that now, and a little extra.

So, back to the story, Chelsea and Bre just couldn’t be in one room without arguing so this has set half of the drama of this whole season which make it a little bit off because I don’t think they have sold enough houses this season, well, not surprised considering the situation of the market nowadays and yes, I think the whole 11 episodes they just circled around the penthouses that Jason is trying to build and sell in the future.

Half of the other drama goes to Chrishell, which I think actually was supposed to be that way, because Selling Sunset made its name when Chrishell joined the group, so basically, she is the story. Well, to the a bit of it, Chrishell is being called out for being a boss-favorite when she sold her listings, and that particular person was Nicole young, whom she have been working with a certain listing and apparently Nicole doesn’t like Chrishell having such listings although she never gave credit to Chrishell when they both sold the house. Well, obviously they created this whole drama to make up for the whole season because without any, there’s no new season.

Mary, the new manager, is being tied up on all of this drama, especially now that she was appointed by Jason to run the place most of the time, and even left her the company for more almost a month because Jason went to a vacation with his new girlfriend in Europe. That left Mary a huge responsibility plus the whole drama going on with the girls. Obviously Mary cannot do it, and so there was a bit of arguing between her and Jason but as they are friends for a very long time, they’re eventually talk it out. However, still in their hands, the conflict between Nicole and Chrishell, they need to figure out how they can fix it, however, fate is playing well, and Chrishell is the one who did the first move and decided to follow G on her tour and yes, leave O Group for a little while.

Many questions were asked after the last episode because of Chrishell’s exit; well, does that mean she leaves Oppeinheim for good? We still don’t know but she is still at their website however, never sold houses since end of 2021. And to tell the truth, looking at how Chrishell’s life is in her social media nowadays, I think she is better off without them. I mean she can actually be an independent realtor and work whenever she wants minus the drama.

When it comes to the other girls, I believe the season just revolved with Bre, Chelsea, Nicole and Chrishell. Well, we had a little peek on how Amanda is doing, she’s having a health issue which I think was more important than having Nicole rant about her female drama against Chrishell.

All in all, the whole season is just not Selling Sunset anymore, if you ask me. It’s more like of a drama more than selling houses. They probably sold five or less the whole season? I mean, I saw them ring the bell, twice if I’m not mistaken. So literally, it doesn’t benefit the viewers anymore, because Selling Sunset was supposed to be showing off good houses not girl dramas nor catfights. And what happens when Chrishell is not around anymore? Yeah, I mean she’s practically the one focus on this reality TV Show.

I’d definitely give this an 75% wonderroanne rating. They have to stop making new episodes if they will just make it like the way this season went.

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