Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Have you expected anything more about getting a sequel when it comes to Transformers? Well, as you can see the Last Knight was probably the last entry of the whole series but what about getting the whole series a reboot? Yes, you heard that right, looks like after the Bumble Bee movie, they have decided to create a reboot on Michael Bay’s Transformers movie series.

The first Transformers movie was released 2007, followed by Revenge of the Fallen on 2009, Dark of the Moon on 2011, then Age of Extinction and the last one will be the Last Knight, assuming they are trying to recreate the whole series since Bumble bee, with the post credit scene that was showed in Bumble Bee, all viewers knew there’s something new coming but we didn’t expect that it will become a reboot.

The new view released, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, is set in 1980s, that means it is set in 1984 when people still don’t know the existence of the alien robots. The story revolves around Optimus Prime and the Autobots trying to protect the Earth from Unicorn and while trying to hide on plain sight, they decided to cooperate with Maximals, another creatures that hid on `earth, trying to protect themselves. Getting into war and saving Earth is another story to tell but teaming up with a human will be another thing because at this time, humans don’t even know about their existence but since they were seen by Noah, they definitely need his help to get a possible fix that only humans can do. Mirage is the star of the show, not just Bumble bee this time around. His relationship with Noah will be a lot more interesting and a wide angle to focus at.

With all the Transformers movies on its previous franchise, it is actually surprising to get a reboot. Michael Bay’s series was flaw-full but it did work for viewers to enjoy, however, it definitely changed after the The Last Knight because the movie was just too long to even finish and the plot story was not even that exciting anymore. How do I know? Coz I slept in the middle of the movie and woke up just because the cinema speakers were too loud on the climax part. In short, there’s so much more to improve in Michael Bay’s series which I think they started to think about when they made Bumble Bee and decided to do this movie as a prequel. We may not be seeing Meghan Young in the series, but I think it will be better if they’re actually use w teenage friendly plot just like how they did with Bumble Bee.

As a viewer, we need a story, the plot means a lot. If they will be able to stick up with this reboot and create another follow up, maybe we could get a total reboot of the series, but at this point, what else the Transformers can do aside form saving and teaming up with humans? See, there’s so much more to look into it. This movie is actually interesting especially that there is a mid-credit-scene involved. They’d be recruiting Noah to join the team and asking him to invite the autobots to join them too. Does that mean we are having a possibility of seeing another Transformers beginning? Well, if it is, then they should start working on a series that won’t lead to any loopholes. Transformers deserve a storyline and a good one.

All in all, I would give this 87% wonderroanne rating. I wished I have seen more, but at this point, seeing that this might be a prequel of a new movie franchise, then I guess it’s in the right path.

I won’t do any spoilers coz I think it is better to watch it and enjoy a prequel.

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