The Flash Review: Is it Worth it or a Flop?

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I have been a dignified self-proclaimed The Flash fan since the start of my blogging. Everyone knows how I am widely capable to geek out when it comes to DC Universe. I have a wide range of knowledge when talking about each of the Justice League super heroes and many more. Last month, June 2023, Warner Bros. released The Flash movie, considering that it was initially proposed to be released sometime in September. Well, having it early must be a good thing, I’d say. However, the initial released garnered less than it was expected to have. As per the numbers, just this week they met their target gross profit which is very poor compare to other Justice League Superhero movies that were released previously. Just like the Shazam: Fury of the Gods, it barely survived the public judgment.

How am I saying that as a lead? Well, the reason is that the movie went from excitement to disappointment real quick. As a fan myself, I’d like to see something familiar and yet new to my eyes, how will I explain this further? I’d say, if I like to see another Batman movie, I’d better watch something out of Snyder’s cut or something adapted from one of the existing comic versions or if Wonder Woman will have another spin off, I must see another revelation that can lead into another possibility of a sequel in the near future. The Flash 2023 is different. If you have been watching CW shows, you will know that they made The Flash Series which actually made its way to push through this Flash Movie because most fans wanted something out of the film. and then we saw The Flash in Justin League, which gave us a little more hope of having his own movie in the future and then they actually did it, in 2023.

What did they do in the Flash 2023, they did all the wrongs, first, they focused mostly on the Flashpoint but not in the Speed force, creating a massive distress on multiverse and also showing off Dark Flash. The movie started from the point that Flash discovered his ability to travel back in time but without the Star Labs’ help which very new. The plot has gone to traveling back in time to creating a loophole in a world that Barry created after running back in time. No Batman, No Superman, No Aquaman and definitely no Justice League. This created a very big confusion because even in comics Dark Flash was never near the beginning. Even Zoom and Eobard Thawne was nowhere to be found and yet they are the most known villain of all the villains in the Flash.

The movie focused on getting so many cameos for Batman, they forgot about the real purpose of the movie. Showing Kara Danvers is actually a sign that we are going to face a multiverse all throughout the sequels, or maybe they did this to distract everyone from the fact that they are now more focused on getting a new Man of Steel despite the countless flop of the steel movies. Let’s be honest, I’m a DC Fan, first and foremost, I won’t need to say how I love seeing DC Movies very much but to disappoint every fan like this is actually a major downfall. DC Films, what I’ve noticed, is actually trying to create a story out of a story, trying to become a Marvel Universe wherein Marvel, most of their movies are definitely connected with each other but that is where every DC Films directors goes down, they cannot just create something out of nothing if the result is also nothing. I wouldn’t say that DC Films can actually be a rival for Marvel Movies, because it ain’t. DC jumps now in the middle of nowhere, trying to confuse and excite the viewers with post credit scene and then show an irrelevant show the next year.

I cannot geek out on this latest movie because there’s nothing to geek out, they totally messed up the timeline, creating a biog hole on whether we will even see Starlabs, Eobard Thawne and other characters that are well-known in the comics. Plus, we would’ve wanted to see how The Flash started, not how he managed to create a new one for himself. Despite the references from comics, they still managed to not do what they were supposed to do.

Let’s say, they actually tried to create a multi-verse, this has to include Grant Austin, who actually played The Flash the longest. By the way, The Flash Series is better than the movie and it actually had so many crossovers and multiverse existence but it never disappointed the viewers although I would say the last two seasons were a bit much already but still, creating multiverse with only Ezra Miller in it? What they did for the cameos for Batman should’ve done with the Flash too, it could’ve suck a little less.

The movie served as a trailer for the next coming Superman and Aquaman movie which I think is funny coz, the movie just like the previous Justice League(Not the Snyder’s Cut, the other one) They don’t make sense at all. Plot is there but the story isn’t actually there.

This is rather disappointing for me to say but this is not the first time I wrote a review where I actually didn’t like anything about they did. Well, it’s been a month since the release, and still many people never actually liked it.

All in all I will definitely give this 77% wonderroanne rating. You know why.

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