Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning P1 Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Alright, I’m not gonna do any long introduction because this movie is Tom Cruise’s and I know that everyone knows this movie series. Mission Impossible has become a legend when it comes to action movies, aside form great plot stories and twists, I like the personal touch Tom is giving every film that he is playing, I’m talking about the stunts, he do it all by himself and with this film alone, he actually an incredible stunt again.

The usual Mission Impossible plot is there, in the 7th installment, they are now fighting their way to get in possession of some kind of software that actually reads people’s minds, playing ahead of them always, this can be weaponized and can cause a mass destruction. The entire movie revolved into the IMF Team and Ethan trying to collect a puzzle key, which are in two parts, this key can open the said software or data, and if landed into the people who wants to use it as weapon then, they won’t know what will happen, like, yes, can really cause a world problem.

Upon watching the film, they mostly seemed top be in battle of an AI, and it’s like the technology is getting smarter than the humans and they are fighting against human, whoever takes possession of it. Of course, this serves as an advantage if you have this thing, and so that is how Ethan, yet again, accepted the job.

Rebecca Ferguson is one of the highlights of the movie, well, any of the movies, she is and she had to be, but this time, it might be another death scene we are seeing but hell we know, they will again, kill her off and show up in the end, and since this is a part one of the movie, I believe or I hope they will do something about it. They might magically bring her to life just what they always do in so many movies.

I’m also surprised that the whole movie, well, almost half of it was filmed in Abu Dhabi Airport, kudos to Etihad for being the top sponsor of the film, it’s so crazy to think that despite the busy schedule of the airport they managed to do that, well, I don’t know about the process or if they actually closed some parts of it, but yeah, yet reckoning scene.

How am I not surprised of the cliff jump that Tom made? in the making of the movie, he did it many times just to get a good shot in so many angles and I think that Tom Cruise as 60 is like Tom Cruise at 20, you can never tell his age with all the stunts he is pulling off.

Two things that I noticed in the movie is that, they didn’t do much of a complicated plot, it is a straightforward plot wherein they just needed to have the key and protect it with their lives, but sensibly, I like how they managed to build up the plot by doing some crazy puzzle in the beginning of the film, it goes to show that the MI in it is still there. Second thing is that they used few places this time, Parts of Europe and AUH Airport, made me more eager to go and visit Switzerland.

The downfall that I can say is that, just like the Fast and Furious Franchise, the Mission Impossible had ran a little too long for its series that they don’t know how to make it more realistic, technology is reality but the action stuff is a little too theatrical, at least for me. Just like the F&F, I don’t like seeing extraordinary stuff like space and super strength, I wanted to have more of a story that is close to its title but sometimes, it’s just too much when you had been running for so long.

All in all, I’m looking forward for some pot twists one the part 2 and I hope it will actually end the franchise in its good point.

I would give this 89% wonderroanne rating.

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