Barbie Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The long wait has been really worth it. I know this is not the first time I have written something about it because I wrote about the postponement of the movie in the UAE and also the banning in Vietnam last month, but yes, I am talking about the live action movie of The Barbie. Many people are not convinced that it can be made into live action movie but here it is, reaching $1 Billion worldwide box office gross sales within its first two weeks, making it second to the most grossing film of Warner Bros, the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

Who would imagine that every country will actually participate on making their countries ‘pink’ a staple color for Barbie. And it is also directed by a female, which is very empowering. The director Greta Gerwig, who was famous for her works such as Little Women and Lady Bird. So we definitely know how she is all about the Women Power.

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