Barbie Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The long wait has been really worth it. I know this is not the first time I have written something about it because I wrote about the postponement of the movie in the UAE and also the banning in Vietnam last month, but yes, I am talking about the live action movie of The Barbie. Many people are not convinced that it can be made into live action movie but here it is, reaching $1 Billion worldwide box office gross sales within its first two weeks, making it second to the most grossing film of Warner Bros, the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

Who would imagine that every country will actually participate on making their countries ‘pink’ a staple color for Barbie. And it is also directed by a female, which is very empowering. The director Greta Gerwig, who was famous for her works such as Little Women and Lady Bird. So we definitely know how she is all about the Women Power.

Let’s talk about the Cast. Barbie is not only a one-woman-cast but instead all the Barbie’s available are represented by different actress and that includes all the Ken that was available in the stores throughout the years, even the ones that Mattel have stopped production. Mainly, the stereotype Barbie was played by Margot Robbie And Ken was played by Ryan Gosling.

The movie focused on how Barbie World and Real World is actually different. Showing the viewers how Barbie lived in her dollhouse, how she drinks, eat and do everything just like how a girl will play on her Barbie each time.

The plot was all about how Barbie seemed to have malfunction for some reason and she needed to know what is exactly happening to her by going to the real world and look for the little girl who owns her. When she made her way to the real world, she discovered that the world she lives in is very different from the real world, because everything in the real world is run by men while in their world, all the Barbies are actually the one ruling it.

And of course, I will not tell the rest because I think Barbe is actually a good eyeopener for everyone, especially for the ones who think that women are not chiseled to do jobs that are made for men.

As a girl who loves Barbie so much, like I literally called myself “The 21st Century”, I was amazed by the movie and the lessons that it intended to send every woman and every man. There’s so much more than it is that meets the eye.

But as a movie reviewer, it is something different, when I look at it in a movie reviewer POV, the plot itself might be fine but it’s too playful that the movie felt like a huge loophole, considering that in the movie, they are showing that the two worlds just collide really easy, I guess it is the theatrical side of it but I was actually making a story out of it while watching. I really was expecting something more than that, like there’s much more that they can put into it rather than just making every scene a little too predictable.

At some point, I know whatever happens, the movie was made for the whole family to enjoy but I was just hoping for more substance because it’s not enough to show how empowerment is important but it surely will fell better if on both sides, the realization is there. One thing I also liked about the film is that they made sure that it relates on how the society looks at each person. If you’re different, the society will look at you weirdly and then it’s either you adapt to change or you fight it and take a stand for who you are and that is the part where I really felt the relevance of why the movie should be recommended to everyone especially for the little girl playing barbie dolls.

All in all, this movie has its own ways to let the viewers enjoy and I think that with all the response from people that Barbie Movie is receiving, it definitely deserve the hype.

This deserve a 85% wonderroanne rating.


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