A Time Called You Review: Time Travel Era

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I guess there’s nothing more relatable than wanting to go back in time and choosing to change something you did and expect that everything will be fine eventually, like who wouldn’t want coming back in time, trying not to choose the ex who hurt you but instead choose someone else you’ve been with before you even chose your ex, right? Or maybe right now you are thinking that maybe you could’ve just choose that shitty apartment rather than spending more money into renting an expensive one only to find out that you will just get fired a month after and be homeless, like who wouldn’t want to try that another option that maybe your life could’ve been a lot better.

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Totally Killer Review: Keep Slasher Movies Coming!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

There’s so many movies coming out this October and I am more excited with Slasher movies because I believe that Slasher movies are the GOAT of all the horror movies. I grew up watching Halloween, Friday the 13th, Child’s Play, Nightmare on the Elm Street, SCREAM and many more. These movies were hit during the 90s and I think these are the core reason why I loved watching films and telling people what I love about it.

October means Halloween and Halloween means more horror/thriller/suspense movies. Well, just in time for October, a new movie has been released on Amazon Prime entitled Totally Killer. This is a story of a teenager using a Time Machine to go back in time and save her mother and other girls who were killed by the legend serial killer, Sweet Sixteen Killer.

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