A Time Called You Review: Time Travel Era

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I guess there’s nothing more relatable than wanting to go back in time and choosing to change something you did and expect that everything will be fine eventually, like who wouldn’t want coming back in time, trying not to choose the ex who hurt you but instead choose someone else you’ve been with before you even chose your ex, right? Or maybe right now you are thinking that maybe you could’ve just choose that shitty apartment rather than spending more money into renting an expensive one only to find out that you will just get fired a month after and be homeless, like who wouldn’t want to try that another option that maybe your life could’ve been a lot better.

I guess, these are just some of my realizations while growing up coz I really want to change so many things that I did in the past that I think could’ve been better if I chose the latter, but I know this is what I’m destined to do so, yeah, let’s accept it. With that note, I noticed that most of the plots of movies and series that I recently watched were about time travel which is weird. Like lately, it’s all about Back To The Future movie all over again. (Spoiler incoming…)

One of the shows that I recently have come across is A Time Called You, A Korean Drama series set in 2023, giving a retro look when the main character mysteriously traveled back in time, meeting someone who looks so much like his late boyfriend who died in a plane crash a year ago. However, she is actually stuck in a body of a student who looks so much like her but it’s not her actually. Later, after coming back to 2023, she was able to retrieve some information of the people from 1998. She later found out that Min-ju, the girl who looks like her actually was killed. Jun-hee, played by Jean Yeo-been, decided to unravel more about Min-ju and how Yeon-jun, her deceased boyfriend, played by Ahn Hyo-seop, looks like this guy, Nam Si-heon from 1998 but has a different name and definitely older that her boyfriend if given the age comparison.

The whole story revolved on trying to know who is the culprit that killed/will kill Min-ju and who is Si-heon, eventually the whole time travel mixed up at the end was discovered that Yeon-jun and Si-heon met in the same timeline and Yeon-jun sacrificed himself to let Si-heon meet Jun-hee. There’s more than one story on each of the characters especially Si-heon and Yeon-jun because both these people are a different person but the time travel mixed them up like both of the same person lived in different timeline and different body.

The whole story is definitely a complicated one if you don’t focus on the facts but slowly, as the episodes get near the last one, you will see how each story unfolds and how did Min-ju really died and if Jun-hee will be able to save her from this tragedy and the Amin question is, what if Min-ju leaves on that timeline, what will happen to Jun-hee and Si-heon? I just spilled some of the tea but the whole story is just not there, coz I want you to figure out how the whole story began to unfold and what was the result of each move they make on the past and what it will do in the future.

Again, time travel interests me so much that I don’t really know why there’s a sudden fascination inside me, making me be interested on watching movies and series about time travel.

All in all, I would definitely give this a huge 92% wonderroanne rating because aside form the series made me think the whole time that I was watching it, I also was able to make the sums of all the things they did definitely figured out by the end of the series which I really love, there’s no specific happy ending or tragic ending but I think the cliff hanger they left says it all.

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