Percy Jackson and The Olympians Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Okay, we’ve loved Logan Lerman as Percy and we have been waiting for the next movie since like forever, and that gives me an utter disappointment that they will never continue that movie series. But now, Disney, has come to refresh our minds and decided to remake Rick Riordan’s books and do a longer tale than the movie. Directed by Pierre Gill and Jules O’Loughlin another ship is going to sail for our favorite character Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson is a story about a demi-god, who have never known his real identity until creatures have been trying to get him and one day, his mother told him everything sent him to camp half blood. But the real story is that he has to prove Zeus that he isn’t the lightning thief or else, destruction will come.

I have the chance two watch the first three episodes and the series may have been a little different from the movie but I think since this is a tv series, they did justice on how they can actually make this enjoyable on each episode they release. If you compare the movie and the tv series with the books, the movie was closer than the tv series, maybe because they had to choose some elements that can make the series go a little longer however, if you read the book, of course, you’ll get a little confused. You know me, I do love comparing books against their adaptations and so, that’s what we will do.

Sorry for the spoilers, but yes, we need to tackle some of it.

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