The Marvels Review

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This won’t be the first and last time I will be reviewing a really surprising very not-so-relatable movie for Marvel. I did reviewed some but this is the first time I really didn’t get the plot of the whole movie, like, okay, we come a long way on trying to do crossover nowadays but this is way out of context, for me, or maybe I’m just too bored with the crossover they have been doing from movies to TV series like we cannot just catch-up.

Okay, let me start this article by telling you the little plot thing I got from watching the movie, besides from this review taking a little bit longer than expected, then yeah. The Marvels movie is about the whole story where Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau and Kamala Khan have team up to save the universe. In this movie, their powers are actually tangled to each other so they need to figure out how to save the universe while they save each other.

To be honest, I realized that this is actually the worst movie in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe; aside from the Thor movie and Eternals. There’s so many plot holes that were just sitting right there.

The Kree considered Carol as the Annihilator, considering that she actually destroyed the only way of civilization of their entire existence. Carol was affected with this, making her powers really weak, well, it can be the mental health awareness, couldn’t really say. The tangled superpowers of the three just added to the confusion, like there might be a good connection but it’s an odd occurrence still. It’s like they added this plot to just regain viewers form Wandavision and Ms. Marvel all together.

Monica on the other hand, has nothing to do with any of these, aside form missing Carol Danvers as a kid. Movies, they tend to include family…and yes, we predicted that she will sacrifice herself for the good, coz in reality, she is no use of the whole plot. Well, to think about that, they might try to put her to X-Men, considering that in the mid- credits, they showed Maria Rambeau, which I’m expecting to be The Binary in X-Men (it was Carol too). If all speculation is right, then all the multiverse thing they have been cooking in the recent season of Loki series, then I think they are trying to rewrite things, and making ends meet. If they will really continue this whole connection between X-Men and Marvel, then I think there’s more to look forward to. I really want to know what there’s more for X-Men because they also have quite good story line especially in the comics.

The only thing fun in the movies were the cats.

All in all, I wouldn’t say that I would stop watching stories about Carol Danvers but all I can say if they were able to change the whole story line and make it more relatable in the current situation of the MCU, then I guess we’ll still be on the same page. This is me trying to convince myself that there’s more they can offer other than this one, well, this movie will be soon be covered up by Madame Web and the upcoming Ironman movie, guess fanatics won’t care as much as soon as these movie will be released.

PS. This movie franchise just used Park Seo joon as a publicity stunt, making all asians who are fans of PSJ to watch the Marvel. to top it all of, they had him be in the story line with the most useless role of all. I think he only got two minute of screentime which is very disappointing especially because PSJ is such a big star in Korea and many expected him to be in the movie doing not only a little screen time but also a performance that serves his talent more than anything else. Well, many fans were really disappointed by what they did to PSJ. Kudos to their marketing team though, they managed to get his fans watch the film.

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