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Okay, not all of my avid moview readers know that I am also into reading books. Well, I have a long break from reading books…more like a 10-year-gap kind of break. I got busy with life, that’s how it is. although there are also times that I was able to read books through audiobooks, so it’s not actually a good to nothing break. I still had a chance to read some new books through listening to their audiobook versions. But this 2024, I am trying to convince myself that I really need to go back to reading because why not? Especially now that people are finally returning to the reading paperback and hard bounds.

I will use my website to not just review movies now but also to review some of the books that I really loved. Well, I’m more into classics and so, I would love to introduce my followers to some of the OG when it comes to classic books, from Shakespeare, to Leo Tolstoy, I want to cover them out. I want to have the Gen Z readers to discover these classic authors that changed every writer’s life. And of course, like the old days, I have this habit of getting a little to addicted to wanting to read a book before everyone does, so expect this section to have more of a recommendation of new books too. As usual, we will not stop on reviewing movies and series that were originally from books too or even comics. I guess that is why I love to combine both reading and watching because we can talk about more if we combined both. Comparing the original book from the movie adaptation is also fun. Hence, I am enjoying my moviews especially if they are originally adapted from books.

I am also trying to use this as a chance to tell you that I have been idle again for few weeks because I have been enjoying the world of Anime again. I have been watching so many anime more than movies and so I think it is just the right thing to review Anime films and series too. Of course, it is not just one piece, not just Attack of Titan but also the other high ranking Anime. Well, we can also focus on manga too. I’m looking forward to compare manga and anime which is good enough for me because this is what I really like to do when it comes to reviewing.

Sorry for not writing or updating much these past few weeks but I hope you watch out for more reviews coming soon!

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