Tarot Movie Review

Rating: 2 out of 5.

What if reading your future means reading the end of your life? This is what happens to group of friends who read their futures through tarot cards but after the reading, one by one died same as per the reading they got. To save the remaining friends who are alive, they try to figure out how to cheat death and how to reverse the curse they got from the Tarot cards.

They tried to seek help with a podcaster who streams stories of deaths. With the help of the podcasters, they have to manage to collect the deck of cards which they ready their fortunes with. However, the mystery of deck of cards is about to unravel and they might not be able to stop the deaths from happening. They later on discover that the podcaster was one of the victims of the deck. This deck of cards will be their answer to each of their future, whether it’s death, or death.

The movie is a straight up cinematically very good, however, there’s so much more lacking in the story, they need more background and I guess, having all to pass the mystery to a tarot cards is not enough. I feel like the director of the movie is trying to entice the viewers to watch these kinds of horror movies, which were actually famous during the 90s, like the same as the slasher movies and even the Final Destination movie series. However, it’s not an easy task to recreate some of the plots that were made during the 90s because not even technology can surpass the thriller that old movies have.

All in all, there’s so much more that was supposed to built up in the plot but I guess having it in an hour and a half movie is a little difficult. I kinda hope, they try more to do horrors like this, but better though so we could actually enjoy. Visually, this movie is good but of course there’s so much loopholes in the story and I guess in the future they could make a better one.

Well, because of the story line kind of good and has a future, then I’d give this a 45% wonderroanne rating.

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