Under Paris Movie Review

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Who can imagine a life with so many sharks around? Well, how about imagine having so many sharks and one can actually kill an entire city? This movie that’s released on Netflix is definitely one of the stressful movies that you’ll ever encounter, aside from having the anxiety of trying to stop whoever is trying to mess up the plan in the entire plot, I guess you’re just going to hate ever bit of one character’s attitude.

Well, This is one of the craziest film I have ever since, but yes, crazy good. I’m talking about Under Paris, a movie that focuses on a grieving scientist who lost her entire team while researching about this rare breed of shark. The shark was unexpected to be growing a little faster than the normal phase and actually was able to grow huge and stronger. Now, in the present day, they need to save everyone in Paris coz this huge shark is swimming in Paris. How? That’s for you to watch the movie.

The whole plot is very concise, considering the title of the movie, I was expecting more from the movie, because I thought they will actually show some good plot. The introduction was good, however by the time it has gone to its 30-minute-mark, I kinda find it really hard to describe the movie. It seems to me that I was trance where everything is revolving around the same spot and there’s nothing happening. It’s like we’re sitting in a room, staring at the same thing for hours and it’s not even fun coz you cannot read the whole room.

But I have to commend the movie because the cinematography is better than MEG movies, like, I love how they fitted some art in the way they try to tell the story even by just changing angles and establishing shots. Movies like this is somehow an exciting one because of the cinematography alone but it will be best if they try to catch up with the story too. The story was too brief for my taste, it’s just right there not making any sense. How they sharks are in a canal, how they were able to reach the city or how they grew like that and they on not needing any male ones to even breed?

All in all, I feel like this is needing a little story telling more than actual 45% climaxes that we have experienced. on the other hand, the movie finished in a cliff hanger, so that makes me a bit hopeful to see another sequel or are we? I will give this a 70% wonderroanne rating and that all goes to the cinematography.

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