
Hi! My name is Roanne

I’m a writer, movie reviewer, body positivity enthusiast and food blogger. I started this website to express my thoughts to the world and make a difference from a millennial point of view.

Did you know…

I graduated Bachelor of Arts in Communication
With majors in TV Production, Radio, Theatre and Print.

I was able to publish my first fiction novel
Before I left Philippines in 2014, I was able to publish a book close to my heart. The book is entitled CHAPTERS.

I love watching and reading books
I’m planning to start a new section in my blog called ROANNE READS which will tackle most of the books that I have read and will be reading.

What I do…

I am a currently working as a Travel Consultant in the UAE

I love cooking and traveling to taste authentic dishes and learning the perfect recipes

I review latest Movies and TV Series

I currently posts different contents on social media about make up, food, travel and other interesting stuff