My Name: TV Series (Spoiler Alert)

From the mistress in the World of Married to having her own show in Nevertheless, Han So-Hee has become one of the sought after actresses in the Kdrama limelight. After the wild acting in the Nevertheless, I think jumping into a role that represents the ignited femme fatale in every woman is a major leap of faith. We all know who have done this major jump too, Park Shin-Hye is one of those actresses that I believe has this versatility when it comes to roles that she plays. And surprisingly, they have Han the chance to prove herself by having different kinds of roles.

Her new Korean Drama Series, My Name, is about a lady who’s father was believed part of the gangsters that were wanted in their place, however before she even get an clarification from her father, he was unfortunately killed in their doorstep during her birthday. The incident led her to finding the culprit and deciding to join the gangster that her father was a member of.

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10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown

I know we are all bored and bummed because of the current situation circulating worldwide because of the Covid19 and at the end of the day, we cannot do anything but follow the lockdown protocols and stay at home. But what can we do inside our homes? I’ve got a lot in my list but surely not everyone can enjoy, exercise, drawing, online studying, cooking; but everyone can have a little distraction by watching TV, Netflix or Movies.

When choosing a specific film or series to watch on Netflix, I guess I’m not alone when I say, I take the entire day choosing what to watch and I always end up not watching anything at all.

Well, for the entire time I have been watching and reviewing films, I also watch TV Series and I bet I can give you 10 on my list for you to try and enjoy while you’re in a quarantine or lockdown.

Let’s start!

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994)

If you want comedy but with life lessons, FRIENDS is for you! This is a story about adulting and other stuff with it. Six reckless adults living in Manhattan; with different lives but together, they made their lives more than adventurous and a life you’ll want for yourself and your friends someday. Continue reading “10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown”