THOR: Love & Thunder (Spoiler Alert)

Let’s talk about Thor, God of Thunder and one of the Avengers but where is he now? I know it is rather a question what happened during his stay with the Guardians of Galaxy, well, this movie is the answer to your question. The latest installment of Marvel for Thor’s story is rather a comic-feel movie rather than a movie which can give you clues for the MCU as a matter of fact, This can be watched by its own.

This review has a positive spoilers about the entire movie, so if you are not a fan of spoilers, then bookmark this site and read it later after you watch the movie.

Continue reading “THOR: Love & Thunder (Spoiler Alert)”

The Eternals, Do We Like It?

I still cannot contemplate on how I will start reviewing the new Marvel movies, starting from Shang Chi to the Eternals. If you have noticed, I haven’t done any reviews since the release date because I believe it is no great work for me to conclude something I’m literally confused about. Not to mention the flawless and epic transition of Spiderman and Venom in the latest MCU. My question is, where do Shang Chi and Eternal go in this timeline? Are they going to meet the newest Avengers or even help them?

Who are the Eternals? In a world where we know the Avengers, here comes the Eternals. These are the gods of the MCU and they are not just any superheroes, they are considered the gods in the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe and when I say gods, I’m talking about the mythical gods who were believe to have lived thousands of years. In the comics, Eternals were sent to experiment on humans which depicts the mere existence of Eternals, they are still under celestials. In short, Celestials are the real gods. In the movie, they are still created by celestials but only to continue the cycle of creating a universe where they are instruments of destruction, it’s like they were considered the bomb that will make the world vanish and so that story leads us to the whole plot of the movie.

Continue reading “The Eternals, Do We Like It?”

Black Widow: A Moview

Most movies now are embracing the reverse flashback plots (I called it like that coz most of these flashbacks were actually the main event in a movie) It’s like directors have been okay with the result-first-before-the-cause kind of plots which I do not complain about but this particular movie, I think deserves more than a flashback. I’m talking about the newest released, Black Widow. So yeah, this is about the newest released of the the Marvel Studios, Black Widow.

In other angle, Marvel is now embracing the villain stories which DC Movies had already made, (e.g. Suicide Squad, Joker, League of Legends etc…)

Just this 8th of July, Marvel has released another new movie after being postponed because of Covid19, finally, we will see Black Widow Movie in cinemas. Anyway, I wanna discuss this movie or maybe talk about how the plot is and where does it becomes relevant with. You might find a few spoilers but let’s see how we could detail this review.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! Whatever you read here is only based on what I’ve seen and what I think I feel while seeing this movie. To be fair and I won’t be blamed for spoiling, watch it first before you continue reading this article.

Let’s begin!

Continue reading “Black Widow: A Moview”

Avengers: The Endgame (Whatever It Takes, Spoiler-Free Review)

“If we can’t protect the earth, you can be damned sure we’ll avenge it.” -Tony Stark, Avengers.

Note: No spoilers from the movie were spilled in this review. We respect, Stan.

Who would’ve known that from the very first entry of Iron Man last 2008, the MCU will grow and will relive comic heroes from Marvel Comics for the last 10 years? I’m so sure Stan Lee, was able to calculate that somehow.

This April 24, Marvel Studios has released the last instalment of the Avengers. From Iron Man to Infinity War, we were there and we saw how it grew up from 21 films for 10 years, which definitely no any other rival was able to break record, not even the DC Comics. Continue reading “Avengers: The Endgame (Whatever It Takes, Spoiler-Free Review)”