Black Widow: A Moview

Most movies now are embracing the reverse flashback plots (I called it like that coz most of these flashbacks were actually the main event in a movie) It’s like directors have been okay with the result-first-before-the-cause kind of plots which I do not complain about but this particular movie, I think deserves more than a flashback. I’m talking about the newest released, Black Widow. So yeah, this is about the newest released of the the Marvel Studios, Black Widow.

In other angle, Marvel is now embracing the villain stories which DC Movies had already made, (e.g. Suicide Squad, Joker, League of Legends etc…)

Just this 8th of July, Marvel has released another new movie after being postponed because of Covid19, finally, we will see Black Widow Movie in cinemas. Anyway, I wanna discuss this movie or maybe talk about how the plot is and where does it becomes relevant with. You might find a few spoilers but let’s see how we could detail this review.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! Whatever you read here is only based on what I’ve seen and what I think I feel while seeing this movie. To be fair and I won’t be blamed for spoiling, watch it first before you continue reading this article.

Let’s begin!

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