Back To Basics…

Okay, not all of my avid moview readers know that I am also into reading books. Well, I have a long break from reading books…more like a 10-year-gap kind of break. I got busy with life, that’s how it is. although there are also times that I was able to read books through audiobooks, so it’s not actually a good to nothing break. I still had a chance to read some new books through listening to their audiobook versions. But this 2024, I am trying to convince myself that I really need to go back to reading because why not? Especially now that people are finally returning to the reading paperback and hard bounds.

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Beautiful Disaster: Is It Really? (A Moview)

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Well, all my readers know that aside from how good I am at comparison articles, I really love reading and that means, I have watched tons of movies that were adapted actual books, I know it is not new to this site but I should let the readers know. I take comparison from comics to reel or books to reel seriously and I mean seriously, like this new movie that was released, it is actually adapted from one of the greatest books that I have read of all time.

I’m talking about Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire, It’s a series and there are other books that will justify the sequel. This 2023, movie world has decided to make it a live action movie rather than sitting in the bookshelf of those who read it since it became famous in 2011. Directed by Roger Kumble, same director for the After series, he is actually making the famous romance books true to life.

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The Last Letter From Your Lover (A Moview)

“It never ended. Even though she’d thought she’d covered her heart with a permanent porcelain shell, he still found a way to chip at it.”

― Jojo Moyes, The Last Letter from Your Lover

You know me, I love books that are coming into life. Just like those Nicholas Sparks novels, that invaded my entire university-age hopeful mind and those Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte books that made me hope for something extraordinaire or those written by Shakespeare and F. Scottgerald that made me fall in love with literature. Yes, all those kinds you see in the classic bookshelf in the library or in the bookstore. I remember, when I was in college, I spend most of my time lingering around second hand books store, trying to fish a good catch of classical novels. My first ones were Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Great Gatsby and Romeo & Juliet.

I remember who I was all excited to go home after purchasing a half-priced old book that was still in good condition. I remember how I spend sleepless nights not for reviewing but for reading such books. I became hopeful that someday, these books will come to life coz I swear, I keep dreaming of them. Well, there are few versions of film adaptations but it wasn’t played on the cinematic type that I wanted so when they finally released such movies in the year where technology has better results than black and white, yes, I was so happy.

This month marks one of the unapologetically nice books I’ve read, being released as a movie. Yes, Netflix did it again! The Title of the book is The last letter from your lover by Jojo Moyes, the same writer for Me Before You which also became a movie hit few years back. If you have read the book itself, you’ll know that this movie is set in the 1960s and in the present day. It’s a story about two pairs of couples;

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Gabriel’s Inferno: A Moview

“I’m going to be thrown out of Paradise tomorrow, Beatrice. Our only hope is that you find me afterward. Look for me in Hell.”
Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel’s Inferno

A testify to a great book is of three total book series being loved by the masses and readers. Just last month, to my surprise, Passionflix has released a film adaption of Sylvian Reynard’s book entitled, Gabriel’s inferno-I have seen trailers last 2019-which is about a Dante specialist who fell in love with his student, whom he didn’t know was his Beatrice.

I won’t spill too much about it coz we will focus on the film and I believe it is a great time to make everyone read the book series before even watching the movie.

Let’s talk about the film which I’m sure many of you have no idea that was actually rolling until last May 29th. The film was directed by Tosca Musk, who made the film as close as possible to the book itself. Not to mention the cast,

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Crazy Rich Asians Movie: How Crazy? (Moview)

“Perfection comes at a sacrifice.” ― Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians

Asians, what about them? How extravagant could a life of an Asian be?

Kevin Kwan, writer of the novel, Crazy Rich Asians, has yet wowed the whole globe with the film adaptation of his book. The film adaptation is directed by Jon M. Chu and has worked closely with Kevin Kwan. The film has broke some records for being the first Asian film to get a Hollywood premiere in 25 years (Look at that, yeah?) and this might be the best All Asian Cast movie in all the films showcased in Hollywood and in the world. (For me.)

The title says it all, Crazy, Rich and Asians, how hard can that be? Even the review is all crazy, I know, we should be living up for that title because this is the most detailed review I’ve ever made in my life. (C’mon, I’ve got lots of headlines here, people!)

So let’s start the wonderroanne moview (Movie Review), however, by reading this blog, means you are entering both book and film spoilers so, like what I always say, read at your own risk, ‘coz I’m not gonna censor any scenes or lines. I’m gonna put all the cards on the table, y’all.

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To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: A Movie Review (Moview)

“It’s not like in the movies. It’s better, because it’s real.” ― Jenny Han, To all the boys I’ve loved before.

Last August 17, 2018, Netflix has released the movie version of the book written by Jenny Han entitled To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before and every one is taking their last breath, like I would know because I have a lot of opinion about it.

To all the bookworms who’ve read the three book series of TATBILB, this movie is probably your sweet escape to reality after getting lost with the sweet words written in those masterpieces. I mean, right now, the movie is the closest thing you have with the books.

And beware to all the non readers and those who haven’t seen the movie, this is not for you…please read at your own risk… Continue reading “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: A Movie Review (Moview)”

Different Faces of ‘Singles’

Single- (n.) is an individual person or thing rather than part of a pair or a group.


  1. Singles with responsibilities these are people who aren’t lucky enough to find someone while growing up. They usually mingle with their school friends but don’t share stories about their crushes because they don’t have one. Sometimes, these people choose to be single just as not to jeopardize their studies and make their parents proud of them until college—or maybe until they probably grow up and move out of their parents’ house—they usually say, “I’ve got to finish my major first”, “My dad won’t allow me…”, “Relationships are for people who have time to enjoy, I’m taking up my second degree now, I can’t just fall in love and forget about my career.”

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