The Beginning of a Big Dream… My first novel: CHAPTERS

Yes. The first ever book I actually wrote.

How Did It All Start?

After I graduated from college, I was in the middle of a postgrad situation. I don’t have any idea on where to land exactly after years of flying. I mean, all of my classmates are already working while I’m just sitting inside my apartment doing nothing.

I tried applying to different companies but no one actually had the interest on hiring a fresh graduate that time, although there were also companies who welcomed me their warm-hearts but I’m the one refusing them because of two reasons: the salary and the work itself. I’m too picky and too careful on accepting contracts that’s why I ended up with nothing.

I became a freelance assistant researcher, helped some of my friends with their thesis and later on became a Corporate Strategist. I did some projects that are way beyond my capacity. Read books about business and management and also studied the whole market. It was an obvious win-win situation for me because not only that I earn money but I’m also learning so many things while researching.

I became a management consultant and did some of the strategy works behind a big company and yes, I was able to make money out of it. I work with my projects only 2 days in a week that’s why I have so many free times to spend and to waste. Continue reading “The Beginning of a Big Dream… My first novel: CHAPTERS”

Goodbye, 21.

“I’ve been stepping into the staircase with my naked imagination that at the end of that path, there’s something waiting for me, just like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”-RJQ

Twenty-one years old. I was 21 years old just last August 1st and now, I’m 22—turned 22 on the 2nd day of August 2014—too much ‘number 2’ I say—and so I’ve been told.

I’m not a special or what, but here’s the thing, I didn’t know I was actually 21 until I celebrated my birthday last Aug. 2, weird eh? Not for me.

Last year—August 2013—was not a good start for me, it was the worst way to start my birth month. There were some circumstances that suddenly blasted in front of my eyes but I will never mention them anymore because past is always a thing that you should left behind.

Do you want to know what am I actually been doing when I was 21? Well, here we go. Continue reading “Goodbye, 21.”

College: Deal or No deal?

High school is way different from College. College is the stage where you get to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life. This is your training ground for the real world. What you learned in high school will be enhanced in college. High school graduates sometimes mistakenly think that college can ruin their lives and the friendship they built throughout the years in high school that’s why other students are stuck comparing high school with college even if they haven’t seen the real deal in college. Some students are not yet ready to face college because they’re having low self-esteem and lacking of encouragement to look at the brighter side of entering a new school…a university.

I have five simple ways you can survive your whole college life, whether it’s a 4-year, 5-year or 6-year course.

1. Choose the course that you really love.

Passion before mission. Choose the course that best describes you.  Don’t let your parents interfere with your decisions. Talk to them and tell them what you really like. You have to fight for whatever you want. You’re considered as an adult now, you have to make tough decisions by yourself…decisions that you really like. You don’t have to listen to whatever other people say, you have to listen to you heart…who gets tired of the saying: follow your heart? No one! haha! You will never enjoy something that you never wanted…EVER! Continue reading “College: Deal or No deal?”