Perfect Match: (A Moview)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Okay, this is not the first time I am reviewing dating reality tv shows because I have reviewed so many. You know how I love reality shows and yes, I’m all about it when I get the chance to. Okay so let’s talk about this new dating show that Netflix have concocted. The title is Perfect Match, basically, right off the bat we know what these people are actually looking for…the perfect match! surprising, isn’t? yeah, I sarcastically said that.

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Singles Inferno S2: Are we really?

Rating: 3 out of 5.

And yes, after a year of waiting, we are here now watching the new season of Singles Inferno. It’s a Korean dating reality show which they isolate players in a remote island to be able to meet someone they can connect with. I actually have written a review of the series last year. Click Here

The show was all the same as the first season, same mechanics: They need to choose someone they like to date despite of not knowing their status in life and what their jobs are and if that person chooses them back then they will have a chance to be in the Paradise; a place where they will be able to ask everything that they want, including the age, job and anything under their curiosity. As long as they are in Paradise they will be able to ask away. And of course, the food, most of them actually looks forward with the food they will be able to eat more than their dates.

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Dating Game: What’s the difference between girls and guys when it comes to dating?

Dating. This is hard to study and navigate. Especially when it comes to its similarities and differences because there’s a lot of them. I think this is a perfect chance to know the things we need to prepare when it comes to dating and I decided to be the one who will give you the little deets that many dating books never tell you.

I know that you’ll ask if what do I know about things like this especially now that I’m actually single. Well, the reason why I’m single is because apparently, I have been dating the wrong way and trying to impress the wrong guys. Curious? Okay let’s begin…

Us girls, we are usually being pursued because that is the society made us believe, well, the thing is, sometimes, being pursued can be a good thing and not-so-good-thing. By the time we like the guy that we are dating, he might have figured out how to read our minds and all the things that they don’t want us to know. Fast forward to this century, I don’t think being pursued is even an option, well, there are some but I think we should know that the generation has changed, most of girls nowadays are independent and can even live up to pursuing whoever they like but the problem is, we are likely to meet guys that take advantage of us no matter what the situation is.

So I think I’ve got a number of them in my list. Funny how I say this but this is as per my experience and friends’ experiences when it comes to dating.

Continue reading “Dating Game: What’s the difference between girls and guys when it comes to dating?”

Single’s Inferno: Did just Koreans Change The Dating Game?

Many of us watches reality TV Shows like Big Brother, Survivor, Fear Factor, and even the dating reality TV Shows like Bachelor and Bachelorette, and the new ones were the Circle, Blind Dating, Too Hot to Handle and these shows were US based and just recently, at the end of 2021, the Korean’s got to enter the reality TV world again by releasing Single’s Inferno.

This TV show is streamed in Netflix with 8 episodes. You wanna know what is it all about? Yes, I will get there. But right now, let me tell you something about Korean Dramas, Music and Culture which been invading the whole world. I mean, it’s not bad, it’s a good thing that finally, asians were not only classified as Chinese, Japanese but also Koreans. Yes, most of my friends in the US still confuses the three cultures which I think is a bit helpful if the world is actually starting to know the difference of each one.

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Swiped: New Normal Dating

Okay, in 2016, I wrote this blog post Modern Day Dating (just click that to read the 2016 article before scrolling through this post…Well, might give you a refresher.)

In 2021, in the middle of pandemic where no one can even travel a few miles away from home or dine out, are the ones in my previous list still holds their stand or do we have a new version of New Normal Dating?

During pandemic, dating apps were getting famous again; Tinder, Bumble & Hinge are actually saved on my phone (Not proud but….yes.) What really happens when you’re single during a pandemic? For what I have seen in the internet for the past few months, people (not only single ones) learned how to cook, bake, plant and even make soap & candles; but most of all, they did Tiktok (A video app that showcases musical, comedy acting and dancing talents) and since it was a lockdown situation all over the world ,any couples have tried doing the tiktok and showing the world how lonely singles are in their homes. Yes, you all deserve to hear that coz I know, you’ve been watching with envious eyes while they do sweet stuff in their videos.

So let’s go back to the real deal here, the million dollar question is…how can singles find love in the middle of the pandemic using the internet and other dating apps? I have listed some few points for the New Normal Dating;

Dating Apps are not yet an old news. Now that we have established that no one can interact in person, the new normal, well, we may refuse to believe it but yes, it still involves the very large pool of dating apps. Admit it or not, at some point, you or one of your friends or colleagues have engaged into having a dating app profile. Although you are not expected to flaunt it everywhere but during this new normal, it is easier for someone to swipe right than to go out and engaged with a eyeball or meet ups.

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Modern Day Dating: Swipe Right or Swipe Left

In our generation now, going to clubs/bars to hang out is too blunt. Why not swipe right and look for someone who will match your credentials (like they like you just the way you like them) I’m not washing any hands in this section because I, myself, have tried that thing too. (Tinder, OKCupid and Skout) Although, I’m not talking about me getting someone to hook up with but I just want to tell everyone how using this app can cause you major disconnection with the real world and the real steps on dating.

These are 10 signs that dating apps had invaded your life and you might want to have a second look from using it.

1. You have experienced ONE TEXT STAND.


This is when a guy you got matched with, talked to you for the whole night and then he unmatched or blocked you the next day. I mean, yeah, same with the usual one night stand but the difference is you never did anything although you shared some info about yourselves (sometimes it’s even personal). Too bad how other people think dating app is for casual hook ups only but it’s not. OKay you date but why not meet new friends using those?
I’ve met some who were like that, yes, I had experienced one text stand! and I also did that to someone for a reason. Continue reading “Modern Day Dating: Swipe Right or Swipe Left”