The Flash Review: Is it Worth it or a Flop?

Rating: 2 out of 5.

I have been a dignified self-proclaimed The Flash fan since the start of my blogging. Everyone knows how I am widely capable to geek out when it comes to DC Universe. I have a wide range of knowledge when talking about each of the Justice League super heroes and many more. Last month, June 2023, Warner Bros. released The Flash movie, considering that it was initially proposed to be released sometime in September. Well, having it early must be a good thing, I’d say. However, the initial released garnered less than it was expected to have. As per the numbers, just this week they met their target gross profit which is very poor compare to other Justice League Superhero movies that were released previously. Just like the Shazam: Fury of the Gods, it barely survived the public judgment.

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Shazam: The Fury of the Gods

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Okay, so from having a superpower and then having his family join him as superhero, Shazam is actually getting in this momentum of having a superhero life but as a teenager, Billie is not exactly on track. Because right now he is actually getting confused of what he really does, to top that, he wants his group to unite but how can he do that if everything he wanted is for his glory or what he only thinks was right.

This movie is directed by David F. Sandberg, starring Zachary Levi as Shazam and Asher Angel as Billy Batson, following up the first movie of the same title, Shazam, the second installment has been released last March 2023. Giving us an other dose of Shazamily and another story to cling on with the DC Universe.

Before we even go further, let me just keep a disclaimer like the usual. Click only when you’re ready for some spoilers.

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Suicide Squad 2: (A Moview)

Where do I have to begin? Well, First this is another DC Movie that can possibly reconnect all the DC upcoming movies and series and this might be the better version of all the villain-turned-hero movies of all time. I guess we all know how directors nowadays are filling up the gaps of superhero movies by creating sequels for the villains’ side of the story. which suicide squad was familiar of; other samples will be Legends of Tomorrow, Bird of Prey and the other films that we’ve seen through out the years. Although I should admit, at first I was a little skeptical because I didn’t like the first film for the Suicide Squad, and I didn’t actually expect that they will creating another one based on the same story.

Okay for those who don’t know the Suicide Squad at all, so these are the group of villains from different cities and defeated by DC heroes. Imma tell you some of them later on. So these people were basically sent to a mission, which is practically a suicide mission (yeah, that’s where they got the name, technically.) Most of them were either getting killed or getting killed there’s no way out unless they have some kind of magic as if they have nine lives just like Harley Quinn. Yes, Harley is goddess of the squad. She basically is the only one who eventually survives a serious hit every time. That’s her big luck, I guess? Well anyway, this moview is a little detailed with so many spoilers including the upcoming (possible) plans for DC Universe. I know, I have to say this ones again, I geek on these kinds of reviews especially when it comes to DC Films.

Disclaimer: Please watch Suicide Squad 2 before you continue with this review. Any spoilt events are at reader’s risk.

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Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey – (Comic Comparison)

“Now that I’ve cut ties with Mr. J, I’m about to learn that a lot of people want me dead.”- Harley Quinn

From its $81 Million box office, directed by Cathy Chan, another Harley Quin story is out. Following after her break up with Mr. J (The Joker), Harley is now open for business. Trying to live out of the shadows, Harley wants to start and make her name on top again.

With her creative stunts that called out all the possible haters, Harley started by removing all her connections to Mr. J and with the news out in the open, many people are now on the run on killing her.

Her connections with the Black Mask, played by Ewan McGregor, she entered a deal she cannot Continue reading “Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey – (Comic Comparison)”

Shazam: Say My Name (A Moview)

The Wizard: Say my name so that my powers may flow through you.
Billy Batson: But I don’t know your name, sir.
The Wizard: Shazam.
Billy Batson: [laughing] Are you for real?
The Wizard: Say it!
Billy Batson: Okay! Shazam?

Disclaimer: This Moview consists of scenes that are part of the movie and stories that can spoil the whole thing. Please read at your own risk. Well, c’mon, it’s good, so read it!

Aside from the release of Captain Marvel from Marvel Studios, here it comes another ‘Captain Marvel’ (Comics speaking) from the DC Universe. Yes, Shazam was supposed to be the Captain Marvel of the DC Universe but since there’s a possible legal issues with Marvel Comics, they dropped the idea and published him as Shazam instead.

Well, if you asked those comic fans, you’ll know some major changes that the movie had compare to the original one and I think it is just right on every DCU Movies, Continue reading “Shazam: Say My Name (A Moview)”

Aquaman: A moview.

Arthur Curry: I’m not a king. 
Mera: Atlantis has always had a king. Now it needs something more.
Arthur Curry: But what could be greater than a king?
Mera: A hero.

Another DC Movie installment has gone far and this time, it’s in the deep blue sea. Oh well, like my usual review, close your eyes, if you haven’t seen the movie, ‘coz I’m about to unleash tons of fishy revelations in and out of the surface.

Please read at your own risk…

Continue reading “Aquaman: A moview.”