Family Switch Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

From Freaky Friday, Secret Garden, 17 Again, In Her Shoes, Just Got Lucky and 13 Going 30, these are just some of the famous shows that is all about 2 people switching places. But these were like released from more than 10 years ago but still getting lots of views coz these kinds of movies are like a gem. This 2023, Jennifer Garner, the OG 13 going 30 star is playing another role witht he same theme but this time, the switching is between family members, not just two but 6 individuals including the family pet. Yes, you heard that right, 6 people in total exchanging bodies, so what’s the possible chaos, right?

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Al Kameen (الكمين): The Ambush (A Moview)

That’s my team! I’m not leaving without my brothers.

Squad Commander Col Mohammed Almazrouei, Al Kameen 2021

Directed by the infamous director, Pierre Morel of Taken, the film industry had set foot to the Middle East to showcase a story of bravery and brotherhood, based on a true story, Al Kameen (The Ambush) is one of the largest Arabic production that has been made with almost hundreds of cast and crew and written renowned writes such as Brandon Birtell of Furious 7 and Kurtis Birtell of Medal of Honour, this action-packed film that was shot in UAE, produced by Image Nation Abu Dhabi and AGC Studios, is narrating the story of Emirati soldiers who were ambushed during a mission in Yemen, where Squad Commander Col Almazrouei had to rescue his brother (in uniform) from an attack led by huge numbers of gunmen and snipers that took 7 hours long, killing one of their men.

Al Kameen (الكمن) is not only about soldiers fighting for their lives but also a story about camaraderie, and companionship and the family that was left behind by every soldier fighting for their country and for the peace of the world. This is not only for Emirati soldiers but this is also the story of almost all soldiers that are getting deployed in a foreign country without any assurance if they will come back alive or in one piece.

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