The Way You Hurt Her…

The way you hurt her left her with dry eyes. She never showed you she cried, coz you won’t notice anyway. She never showed you how painful it was seeing your relationship fail, coz you never fought for it anyway. She never showed you she messed everything up after you left, coz you will never come back anyway. She never showed you how she struggled … Continue reading The Way You Hurt Her…

A letter that will never wither….(a fiction)

“If you were able to read this, maybe, I wasn’t there to see.” She’s important, but I didn’t know before. She’s a great singer but I didn’t able to hear any. She cared, but I didn’t notice. She had gone so soon but I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye. 7 years ago, I was happy, I loved someone, but she didn’t love me … Continue reading A letter that will never wither….(a fiction)