The One Where They Met Again After 17 Years…

F.R.I.E.N.D.S – A popular sitcom that was aired from 1994 to 2004. I know that you know this show coz who doesn’t? This sitcom grew more popular ever since Netflix has published the whole seasons and episodes in their streaming app. I came to discover about American Sitcoms mostly when I as in college already (2009), The Frasier was one of them and FRIENDS was the second and the rest is history. I guess that made me love sitcoms more and more each year.

And after 17 years, the producers of the show decided that it’s time to make another history by making all FRIENDS Fans’ dream…a comeback. Well, not actually a comeback but a reunion where all the characters (Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Joey and Chandler) get together and be in one TV Screen again.

The Reunion was released in HBO Max last May 27 and still streaming online. So for those who want to know the highlights of the Reunion episode, then you’re on the right website.

So let’s start with the reunion spirit…

Continue reading “The One Where They Met Again After 17 Years…”

F.R.I.E.N.D.S: The Reunion

Yes, It’s happening! Ross, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, and Chandler will come together for a most awaited event of all time. Although this is not a continuation of any of the episodes of FRIENDS but this is the one where they will all come together again to celebrate and reminisce the memories of one of the famous sitcom up to date.

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10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown

I know we are all bored and bummed because of the current situation circulating worldwide because of the Covid19 and at the end of the day, we cannot do anything but follow the lockdown protocols and stay at home. But what can we do inside our homes? I’ve got a lot in my list but surely not everyone can enjoy, exercise, drawing, online studying, cooking; but everyone can have a little distraction by watching TV, Netflix or Movies.

When choosing a specific film or series to watch on Netflix, I guess I’m not alone when I say, I take the entire day choosing what to watch and I always end up not watching anything at all.

Well, for the entire time I have been watching and reviewing films, I also watch TV Series and I bet I can give you 10 on my list for you to try and enjoy while you’re in a quarantine or lockdown.

Let’s start!

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994)

If you want comedy but with life lessons, FRIENDS is for you! This is a story about adulting and other stuff with it. Six reckless adults living in Manhattan; with different lives but together, they made their lives more than adventurous and a life you’ll want for yourself and your friends someday. Continue reading “10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown”

To The Girl Who Deserves Better

You don’t need to tie your hair up or go to the salon just to make a guy notice you. You deserve someone who will see your beauty even with a messy hair and a ruined mascara or even with nothing painted on your face.
You deserve a guy who texts you everyday even if he’s busy just to check up on you or just to wish you a good day. You don’t have to wait for his reply because he will send you one right away. Continue reading “To The Girl Who Deserves Better”

To That Guy You’ve Always Hated But Never Forgotten…

You can slap him on the face but as you walk away from him, you will tell yourself that he is right; he is definitely pointing out whatever your mind screams: DONE!

You may have parted ways but you will still see each other around. You cannot just avoid each other because you were both from the same town. You may cross paths again but you will not confront each other, all you can do is smile and pass by.

Continue reading “To That Guy You’ve Always Hated But Never Forgotten…”

Modern Day Dating: Swipe Right or Swipe Left

In our generation now, going to clubs/bars to hang out is too blunt. Why not swipe right and look for someone who will match your credentials (like they like you just the way you like them) I’m not washing any hands in this section because I, myself, have tried that thing too. (Tinder, OKCupid and Skout) Although, I’m not talking about me getting someone to hook up with but I just want to tell everyone how using this app can cause you major disconnection with the real world and the real steps on dating.

These are 10 signs that dating apps had invaded your life and you might want to have a second look from using it.

1. You have experienced ONE TEXT STAND.


This is when a guy you got matched with, talked to you for the whole night and then he unmatched or blocked you the next day. I mean, yeah, same with the usual one night stand but the difference is you never did anything although you shared some info about yourselves (sometimes it’s even personal). Too bad how other people think dating app is for casual hook ups only but it’s not. OKay you date but why not meet new friends using those?
I’ve met some who were like that, yes, I had experienced one text stand! and I also did that to someone for a reason. Continue reading “Modern Day Dating: Swipe Right or Swipe Left”

College: Deal or No deal?

High school is way different from College. College is the stage where you get to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life. This is your training ground for the real world. What you learned in high school will be enhanced in college. High school graduates sometimes mistakenly think that college can ruin their lives and the friendship they built throughout the years in high school that’s why other students are stuck comparing high school with college even if they haven’t seen the real deal in college. Some students are not yet ready to face college because they’re having low self-esteem and lacking of encouragement to look at the brighter side of entering a new school…a university.

I have five simple ways you can survive your whole college life, whether it’s a 4-year, 5-year or 6-year course.

1. Choose the course that you really love.

Passion before mission. Choose the course that best describes you.  Don’t let your parents interfere with your decisions. Talk to them and tell them what you really like. You have to fight for whatever you want. You’re considered as an adult now, you have to make tough decisions by yourself…decisions that you really like. You don’t have to listen to whatever other people say, you have to listen to you heart…who gets tired of the saying: follow your heart? No one! haha! You will never enjoy something that you never wanted…EVER! Continue reading “College: Deal or No deal?”

BUM LIFE: A Sluggish Beginning

Vacation is a trendy word for rest. Usually “Rest Time” is only good for 2-3 no-labor-days or in schools they have it max to 30days. What comes next to vacation is what 20ish individuals call the BUM LIFE, where you get to have your unlimited no-school-work-days, wakeup-late-with-brunch-serve, 24/7 internet surfing and anything you want to do! Isn’t that the nicest music you’ve heard in your whole life? But when will you put a deadline on this slothful living? When is the right time to walk out of this man-made-heaven?

Who are those people living this kind of life? College Graduates seeking for a vacation after a 4-year-struggle on their studies, unemployed, terminated workers/ employees, slacker, couch potato, rich kids, sick people and bludger or maybe anyone who just wanted to get out of their restless life. But I’d like to focus on graduates.

What’s the best part of having this kind of living?

You can take your biggest break EVER. With a well-planned life, after graduation, some goes straight to the real world and work their asses out to earn. Some are leaving for other country to work or to have vacation first and then work. But most are still thinking where to go, what to do next and where to enjoy the vacation before going to the stressful life of the real world. (Well, apparently, I belong to the MOST group. haha) Continue reading “BUM LIFE: A Sluggish Beginning”