Abigail: Movie Review

Rating: 4 out of 5.

This movie is about a 12 year old kid who was kidnapped by wanna-be kidnappers who needed money that is why they take this job to kidnap the little lady in exchange of being paid 7 Million per person, but the job is too good to be true. Little did they know, they are kept in a house with a little vampire ballerina. The true challenge is, can they survive 24hrs alive, or be eaten alive by a little kid?

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The First Omen Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Released in 1976, The Omen is a story about a couple who lost their child at birth, Robert and Kathy was supposed to have given birth to a baby boy but sadly the child was dead. Before Kathy even wakes up to know the bad news, Robert was informed by the doctor that there is an orphaned child whose mother unfortunately died after giving birth to him and so, the desperate man decided to take the baby and keep it like its his own without his wife knowing. The child’s name is Damien and while growing up, unexplainable events been happening around the family and one thing that is unexplainable is the unknown reason why Damien, as a kid, refuses to enter church.

The Omen is one of the ‘evil reincarnated’ movies that is looking forward to watch. The movie franchise has four movies from 1976 to 1991, The Omen, Damien: Omen II, Omen III: The Final Conflict and Omen IV: The Awakening. And this 2024, they decided to release a prequel of the whole franchise. The First Omen is a classic prequel that tells a story how everything started.

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There’s Someone Inside Your House (A Moview)

Classic thriller movies with the 90s vibes, that’s what I feel while watching this new movie released last September 23, this one movie is literally crossing the line between nostalgia and modernity, like I feel like it is time for Generation X to watch movies just like they were made in the 90s. Have you seen such? Well, let me give you the some of the top of my list, I Know What You Did Last Summer, The Halloween, Friday The 13th, Jason VS Freddy, Scream, and many to mention.

Just few moviews ago, I even told everyone how I loved Fear Street Movies series coz yes, the vibes were there too. When I say vibes, I mean the normal slasher movie but still we getting a story out of it. Like you try to guess what’s gonna happen and still get surprised on the scene. Yah feel me?

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