The Night Has Come Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

They said that one game can change your life but what if the game not only changes lives but also takes life itself? This drama released last December 4th of 2023 is actually banging the suspense/thriller genre yet again. The story is about a group of students who got stuck alone during a trip without their teachers. They were left alone in a school like facility which was supposed to be a retreat. A mysterious message asking them to join a mafia game got them hooked only to discover that this game is not just a game but a real game that can affect all of their lives.

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Daily Dose Of Sunshine: Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

How well do we know mental health? How aware are we to even try to understand how a mind of a person with mental illness works? This generation had become more aware of what is the importance of mental health and how to take care of it. We now see so many posts, articles and podcasts about choosing a healthy sanity and choosing peace over toxicity, these are just some examples of us choosing to take of our mental health. However, there’s still the stigma when it comes to visiting psychiatrist and focusing on mental health. People think just because you’re seeking medical help for your sanity, it means you’re crazy, which is far beyond the truth.

I have been reading so many books about Psychology, and I had once thought of entering medical school to study the human brain because I, myself, have experienced and felt how extraordinary the human brain is. Our brain can make you cry, laugh, see things, dream things; it is very complex and there’s just so much to explore and learn.

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Celebrity: K-Drama Review

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Okay, so we’ve been busy with work but a good Drama can actually be watched in a full day over the weekend, which I actually did last week and I would say this is not the first time I really did finish a series within the day, this is why I am a movie reviewer up to this date, yes? Couldn’t complain at all, especially when I watch the easiest in the eyes shows which don’t actually give me any regret or whatsoever.

This 2023, Netflix gave us so many series to watch and all I noticed is the Netflix is actually investing on Korean Dramas, which definitely is a good investment because their plots are beyond extraordinary. I mean, it’s not like the usual, cheating, twin got separated, rich-poor lovers kind of plots, but they are actually the fresh ones, even the ones with zombies, they’re definitely stories that you can find no similarities everywhere and that my viewers, is the definition of something new.

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XO, Kitty: A Spin Off We Never Expected

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Lara Jean’s story may be interesting but what about the people around her? We all know that To All The Boy I Loved Before is a hit coz all trilogy were exciting. Well, this 2023, enough with Lara Jean but let’s talk about her youngest sister, Kitty, the Matchmaker. We all know her the pushy sister who sent all the letters to the post, hence, she is the reason why the movie even happened, technically speaking.

Since there’s no more story to tell about Lara Jean coz we all know about her escapades and all the things she needed to face and leave, and she is happy everywhere else, that leaves Kitty alone with her dad and Trina. Which means all the things she needs to do may involve on taking the opportunity of looking about her Asian-Korean culture with the help of her mom’s memories. She discovered that her mom went to KISS (Korean Independent School of Seoul) having a scholarship which she later on tried to apply to and luckily she got in; it’s the same school where her penpal/boyfriend, Dae is studying.

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Black Knight: Some Time In The Future?

Some of the well-known Dystopian movies were mostly made by American production, to name a few, we have Divergent, Hunger Games, Maze Runner and these movies were actually adapted from Sci-fi Young Adult Books that were published more than 10 years ago. One of the most unique Dystopian movie that I have watched was also In Time, in which they have timers in their arms that signifies the life span they have, the more time you got, the more time you can live. It was starred by Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried. To add more, you have The Purge movies, 5th Wave, Death Cure and Planet of the Apes Movie series. These movies are depicting the possible future of there world when everything has been destroyed or the political background of each of every one of us has changed and the society has completely depend its ways to survive to a new system. These are works of art that represents the great mystery and wilderness.

I know when you say dystopian, some of you will think this is another useless action movie that shows how life will continue even after the apocalypse or the judgement day but this however, in reality, constructs the same pyramids of priority that the present society have, although they just dress it into after-the-end kind of situation, but I believe that whoever made these stories, plots, they know what they are talking about, and they have seen injustice with their own eyes.

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20th Century Girl (A Moview)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I swear, the 90s and early 00s are the most interesting era, coz it’s not that too vintage and it’s not that too modern. It just runs in the middle of both vintage and modern era, and lately, Kdramas have been rediscovering the 90s theme and I kinda loving what they are doing. We had so many Kdramas that were actually set up during the 90s and early 00s. This time, they made another extraordinary film, it is yet to be told that this film is actually trying to give us the modern vintage vibes but right now, I’m gonna say it, it is catering the era which I clearly remember. I’m a 90s kid so I’d say this is one of the best story I’ve come across.

The story started with a girl named Na Bo-ra, played by Kim You-jung who also played in The Rookie Girl who promised her ill best friend whose going to have her surgery that she will find her best friend’s crush, whom she mentioned was named Baek Hyun-Jin. Na Bo-ra tried her best to get information of the said boy and met Poong Woon-Ho, Baek Hyun-Jin’s best friend.

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Business Proposal: Worth The ‘Chums’?

Have you ever watched Cinderella-like Dramas lately? Let me share some titles with you, True Beauty, What’s wrong with Secretary Kim; I think those are the best example so far for modern day rich-poor love story but not in a dramatic way, in fact these dramas are mostly romantic-comedy. And many of us just wanted to see Korean dramas with lighter side of drama and more on the comedy side just like Hometown ChaCha.

Netflix is now streaming a new K-drama series called Business Proposal, this series is actually based on webtoon entitled The Office Blind Date. Starring Kim Se-Jeong as Shin Ha-Ri (You’ll probably recognize her in School 2017 and The Uncanny Counter) and Ahn Hyo-Seop as Kang Tae-Moo (You’ll see him in Dr. Romantic Season Two, Abyss and Lovers of the Red Sky.) This TV Series is directed Directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Han Seol-hee and Hong Bo-hee. It is about unexpected lovers that met in a little crazy way.

This is a disclaimer, I will have to spoil some points to complete my moview, coz this is quite an interesting series; so if you haven’t watch the series, feel free to close the tab and go back later. Please read at your own risk…

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Squid Game: TV Series(A Moview)

“All of you in this room are living on the edge, with depts you cannot pay off. If you don’t wish to play, please let us know.”

Squid Game, 2021.

As an adult, we all go through the time where we need to work and sometimes we don’t get high-paying jobs so we tend to borrow money either from banks or from people we know but there are also borrowers who fail to pay their debts on time and just runaway from their collectors. I know that you can all relate to what I’m saying. Credit cards, bank loans and loan sharks, these are the samples of the ways you can borrow money but little did we know, interest rate is as much as harder to pay just like the credit that you owe them so sometimes we tend to pay late or we just cannot pay the whole amount and interest keeps increasing. Well, in short, we are paying double the money we borrowed.

So this new Korean drama is invading all the streaming sites and actually, many people are trying out the whole concept of squid game. This series is about a game where players play bunch of games that kids are used to play. However, the difference of this game from what we have seen when we were kids is that when you get eliminated, you’ll be eliminated literally, like gunshot elimination.

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Vincenzo: Is It Really Worth The Hype?

This February 2021, Netflix released a new KDrama (Korean Drama) starring Song Joong-Ki, the actor who is well known for his role in Descendants of the Sun as Captain Yoo Shi-Jin, who popularized the Song-Song Couple together with Song Hye-Kyo who is now his ex-wife. Back to the topic, Vincenzo is a Mafia inspired drama which has been flooding my newsfeed lately. So the lazy ass reviewer in me got a little excited and curious… what is it really about? Is it another Vagabond like series or it’s just one of those dramas that gets the hype because of the actors playing the roles? Well, it’s for me to help you decide coz I’m going to help you understand the bits and pieces of the series.

Disclaimer: If you want some spoiler, go ahead and read but if not, watch it first then come back here after…we will wait for you!

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10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown

I know we are all bored and bummed because of the current situation circulating worldwide because of the Covid19 and at the end of the day, we cannot do anything but follow the lockdown protocols and stay at home. But what can we do inside our homes? I’ve got a lot in my list but surely not everyone can enjoy, exercise, drawing, online studying, cooking; but everyone can have a little distraction by watching TV, Netflix or Movies.

When choosing a specific film or series to watch on Netflix, I guess I’m not alone when I say, I take the entire day choosing what to watch and I always end up not watching anything at all.

Well, for the entire time I have been watching and reviewing films, I also watch TV Series and I bet I can give you 10 on my list for you to try and enjoy while you’re in a quarantine or lockdown.

Let’s start!

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994)

If you want comedy but with life lessons, FRIENDS is for you! This is a story about adulting and other stuff with it. Six reckless adults living in Manhattan; with different lives but together, they made their lives more than adventurous and a life you’ll want for yourself and your friends someday. Continue reading “10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown”