YOU: Season 4 Part 1(A Spoiler)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

YOU-The TV Series that has been ramaging our minds since season 1. Here’s Joe, a lonely bookstore keeper, fell in love with a grad student and made sure that he is there to ‘protect’ her and I mean protect, it literally means nobody should get in their way. We have all 3 seasons to prove that Joe might actually just be in the wrong place and at the wrong time. he keeps on getting himself in a situation that he cannot escape. In the second and third season, he met a real psycho, in the identity of Love, he married him for the reasons that a marriage shouldn’t even start with. His life actually revolved into killing people who just gets in the way and Love just prove that she can actually more than capable of doing Joe’s job more than him. They basically build a family but while building one, they failed to save their relationship, the harder they tried the complicated things have been ending. But the question is that, Is really Joe the bad one? For the season 3 recap, you click HERE.

Well, this 2023, the creators of YOU just made the show more complicated that it is today. Let’s start with Joe flying to Paris to follow Marienne, whom Love warned about Joe. She is running away from Joe to save herself and her daughter, which leads too Joe to start a new life as Jonathan Moore, a professor at a university in London. The real story of this season is when Joe meet the rich couple, Malcolm and Kate who are living adjacent to his apartment and like what Joe has been used to do, he’s peeping in the life of others, trying not to get involved but always ends up getting into their lives as quick as a fox can run.

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Singles Inferno S2: Are we really?

Rating: 3 out of 5.

And yes, after a year of waiting, we are here now watching the new season of Singles Inferno. It’s a Korean dating reality show which they isolate players in a remote island to be able to meet someone they can connect with. I actually have written a review of the series last year. Click Here

The show was all the same as the first season, same mechanics: They need to choose someone they like to date despite of not knowing their status in life and what their jobs are and if that person chooses them back then they will have a chance to be in the Paradise; a place where they will be able to ask everything that they want, including the age, job and anything under their curiosity. As long as they are in Paradise they will be able to ask away. And of course, the food, most of them actually looks forward with the food they will be able to eat more than their dates.

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That ’90s Show: A Moview

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

If you have watched That ’70s Show, then you must know that the long wait for a ‘follow-up’ for the series. Yes, That ’70s Show aired on 1998 til 2006. It’s a sitcom revolving around the life of teenagers living in Point Place, Wisconsin. This show has introduced us to Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis, well, their tandem actually worked really well in the show. and now after almost 17 years, we are witnessing another come back but this time, it’s set in the 90s.

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20th Century Girl (A Moview)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I swear, the 90s and early 00s are the most interesting era, coz it’s not that too vintage and it’s not that too modern. It just runs in the middle of both vintage and modern era, and lately, Kdramas have been rediscovering the 90s theme and I kinda loving what they are doing. We had so many Kdramas that were actually set up during the 90s and early 00s. This time, they made another extraordinary film, it is yet to be told that this film is actually trying to give us the modern vintage vibes but right now, I’m gonna say it, it is catering the era which I clearly remember. I’m a 90s kid so I’d say this is one of the best story I’ve come across.

The story started with a girl named Na Bo-ra, played by Kim You-jung who also played in The Rookie Girl who promised her ill best friend whose going to have her surgery that she will find her best friend’s crush, whom she mentioned was named Baek Hyun-Jin. Na Bo-ra tried her best to get information of the said boy and met Poong Woon-Ho, Baek Hyun-Jin’s best friend.

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2022 Romance Movies That You Need To Watch Now!

In 2022, many movies and TV Series were out, romance, horror, action and suspense or book adaptations, all of it, I’ve got my latest list updated for my readers to enjoy. I would love to give you a list of movies that I have watch form July till this date to be able to fill you up with good stuff to watch while you’re having your long weekend or even just a night out with friends and lovers.

These are the movies/TV Series that you need to watch:

Along for the Ride – Based on the novel by Sarah Design, directed by Sofia Alvarez, this romantic film is about Auden who wanted to spend the summer before her college different from the others. She met Eli, who was a popular fella in her dad’s town, played by Emma Pasarow and Belmont Cameli this wild but fun story about Auden’s journey to discovering herself before entering college is somehow gonna make you recall your memories when you visit a place to spend the whole summer with and the people whom you met while doing the adventure. Verdict – 88% Wonderroanne rating, all the goods were there. If you’re a teen, you’ll definitely gonna love the movie and of course the little drama will get you hooked up.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.
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Purple Hearts ( A Moview)

Alright, it’s been a month since I last posted a moview, I have been busy, so you have to give me that but I can assure you that this whole week, I will be releasing moviews because I have watched plenty of TV Series and Movies that are actually great and highly recommended. First among the many is the Netflix Original movie Purple Hearts starring Disney star and singer-songwriter Sofia Carson, whom we loved from Feel the Beat and A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits, plus Nicholas Galitzine who recently starred as well in the musical movie Cinderella with Camilla Cabello and in High Strung. Yes, if you think you have seen them before, then those are your main references.

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Dating Game: What’s the difference between girls and guys when it comes to dating?

Dating. This is hard to study and navigate. Especially when it comes to its similarities and differences because there’s a lot of them. I think this is a perfect chance to know the things we need to prepare when it comes to dating and I decided to be the one who will give you the little deets that many dating books never tell you.

I know that you’ll ask if what do I know about things like this especially now that I’m actually single. Well, the reason why I’m single is because apparently, I have been dating the wrong way and trying to impress the wrong guys. Curious? Okay let’s begin…

Us girls, we are usually being pursued because that is the society made us believe, well, the thing is, sometimes, being pursued can be a good thing and not-so-good-thing. By the time we like the guy that we are dating, he might have figured out how to read our minds and all the things that they don’t want us to know. Fast forward to this century, I don’t think being pursued is even an option, well, there are some but I think we should know that the generation has changed, most of girls nowadays are independent and can even live up to pursuing whoever they like but the problem is, we are likely to meet guys that take advantage of us no matter what the situation is.

So I think I’ve got a number of them in my list. Funny how I say this but this is as per my experience and friends’ experiences when it comes to dating.

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Twenty Five Twenty One (A Moview)

Have ever wondered how life was during the 90s or how they actually spent time without the smartphones and other gadgets that we are enjoying now? I bet you also wonder how they make use of their extra time or even how they can communicate with their friends from afar? Well, This is another K-drama that will build your motivation and everything. This is one will definitely hit the retro lovers and the ones who were once a teenager during the 90s and early 2000s.

Twenty Five Twenty One is one of the series that I think will actually introduce the kids now in the 90s coz in the series, we’re going to see different kinds of gadgets and toys that the kids are now unfamiliar with. This is a story about a student who idolizes a fencing champion

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The Ultimatum: Marry Or Move On

I know, I have reviewed few dating reality shows but trust me, this one is a new one and I think it is a little bit cringy but informative at the same time. We all know that dating reality TV shows end up either you get a chance to go home with a partner or just go home still single but this one is way in the flip side of things.

The Ultimatum, is a new show hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey, the hosts of Love is Blind. It is a bout couples who wanted to give their partners an Ultimatum whether they want to get married or move on with their lives without each other. There were at least six couples who were tested in the show. All they need to do is meet other couples and choose a potential new lover, it’s like couple switching in which the main challenge is, after the weeks of being with their new chosen partners, are they going to still go back to their previous partners or they finally realized that they just met someone who has change their lives in just few weeks.

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Bridgerton S2: The Viscount Who Loved Me

For everyone who isn’t familiar of the title, it is actually the title of the novel by Julia Quinn in which the Season 2 of Bridgerton was based on. The first one was The Duke and I (Season 1). The Netflix Original series is produced by Shonda Rimes, the producer who made our beloved Grey’s Anatomy possible, and yes this is by far the cutest series focusing on royalties in the year (1813-1827) that we all have wondered about. It’s the era of the romantics as I call it.

Since this is another book adaptation, we all know that I go crazy on books and yes, I have read the whole series which consists of 8 romance novels, so the question is, are we gonna expect 8 seasons for Bridgerton? Well, I shall not keep you from reading my review and getting in the zone.

For those who have not yet set eyes on the series, please refrain from scrolling my article as this might ruin the excitement of your viewing…ah, yes, as always, it will be your own risk to read spoilers…go ahead then…

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