Daily Dose Of Sunshine: Review

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

How well do we know mental health? How aware are we to even try to understand how a mind of a person with mental illness works? This generation had become more aware of what is the importance of mental health and how to take care of it. We now see so many posts, articles and podcasts about choosing a healthy sanity and choosing peace over toxicity, these are just some examples of us choosing to take of our mental health. However, there’s still the stigma when it comes to visiting psychiatrist and focusing on mental health. People think just because you’re seeking medical help for your sanity, it means you’re crazy, which is far beyond the truth.

I have been reading so many books about Psychology, and I had once thought of entering medical school to study the human brain because I, myself, have experienced and felt how extraordinary the human brain is. Our brain can make you cry, laugh, see things, dream things; it is very complex and there’s just so much to explore and learn.

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Ginny & Georgia S2: Review(Spoiler)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

If there’s so much going on nowadays, that’s having so many shows to watch in Netflix and one of the latest ones is Ginny & Georgia. The show has been a success since its pilot season and now Netflix has released the second season which I definitely didn’t expect. The series had gone to so many reviews online and I think the second season deserves an update too and what am I here for aside from giving you the latest, right?

Well, for those who haven’t watch any of the seasons, let me give you a recap of the season 1. Ginny and Georgia are mother and daughter tandem, who moved to Wellsbury with Austin, Ginny’s half brother with Georgia. They built a new life out of the scraps they left in their previous hometown. However, not everyone they left were so happy that they left the town and so, Kenny’s ex-wife, Georgia’s deceased husband, is now trying to press charges on Georgia to stop her from getting Kenny’s money. She hired a private investigator to follow them in Wellsbury. Georgia, had to hustle back to her feet to provide for Austin and Ginny and so she made sure that she is going in the right foot with everyone in their new hometown, but she’s been making the whole moving to another city all over again for her children especially for Ginny who has been struggling with mental health without Georgia knowing.

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How Life Works With Anxieties?

Every day is a challenge. When was the last time you sat down and know yourself? When was the last time you evaluate how you feel? or when was the last time you were able to control your anger or tears in public? There are so many questions lying around when we talk about mental health. It starts when people ask you “How do you feel?” Coz that simple question is literally a million-dollar worth for a person who doesn’t even know what to feel.

Depression, Anxieties, Panic attacks, they all bring something in someone that we don’t understand; one thing that I learned while experiencing the same is that people will question the validity of the things that you feel; “All of a sudden you change your mood?” these are the words that a person with depression is scared to hear; feeling that whatever they are experiencing is a little invalid for everyone. Coz yes, not everyone will understand you, but you don’t have to explain whatever you feel to anyone. Whatever you feel, it is valid.

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