We All Have That One Ex…

“Don’t end up with a man who sounds like me, who say the things I say, who can make you smile just like I did. End up with someone who will do things that won’t remind you of me.” – Verbal words from my Ex to me.

They said that a love that is in the past, is a love that has to be forgotten, but what if that love was the only thing that keeps reminding you of how much it hurts to find another one again? Well, the famous quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson, “‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” is just a perfect explanation of everything I would want this blog to be understood of.

I’ve heard it from different people, they said it is hard to let go of something that you used to love and cherish; it is hard to let go of that person who made you feel so special and it is hard not to take your hopes up and expect for something better.

Over time, I realized how moving on doesn’t only mean you are over the person but moving on also means that you have forgotten the feeling and the regret you have when you let them go.

We all have that one ex that made us walk through a high bridge or touch the sky even if you look like a fool; that one person who made us feel like we are in a cloud 9 and that the world stops revolving around us when we’re together; that one person who made us eat veggies and home made fries instead of burgers and fries from fast food chains because they just do so and that one person who made us more comfortable watching movies leaning on their shoulders or spending the night over instead of partying with friends because they know that we have an exam coming for the next day. Continue reading “We All Have That One Ex…”

The Drawbacks of Parting Ways

When tragedy happens, and relationships end, there will come a time you’ll remember what happened but you have already forgotten the feeling, or maybe if it still lingers in your mind, you’ll just sit and watch yourself regret. When you thought memories will all just fade easily… you’re wrong. Memories linger in pictures, conversations and even in your everyday life. Separation is the worst nightmare of everyone. And dealing with these things is the most difficult thing.

How do people deal with break-ups?

Sometimes we see someone cry because his/her partner broke up with him/her. But do we really know what they think, and what they feel? No. We don’t.

We just tell them, “He/She loves you, you both know that, but there are things that aren’t totally meant to be.” Or the mighty tagalog phrase, “Malay mo may darating na mas lamang at mas mamahalin ka…” or maybe some futuristic phrases like “Someone better will come to find you.” “God has a better plan for you. He might be still in the middle of writing your destiny.”  But how sure are you? Have you been talking to Mr. Cupid lately? Hm, I guess not.

What do girls and boys usually do after the break up?


They eat a lot. They eat their stress away. Many girls believe that eating is some kind of stress-reliever whenever they feel blue. And eating sometimes causes them to feel bad for themselves and realize that they deserve something better. Buffet and dessert-devouring maybe are just part of their ways to forget things. Continue reading “The Drawbacks of Parting Ways”