YOU: Again, again, again and again…

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Is this the final season of Joe Goldberg? Or there’s certainly more? We don’t know… but what I know is that I have so many things to say about this season. I actually did review the first part so if you wanna read it you can click here.

Well just like the usual, we are spoiling some details or maybe more, so please do click at your own risk…

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YOU: Season 4 Part 1(A Spoiler)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

YOU-The TV Series that has been ramaging our minds since season 1. Here’s Joe, a lonely bookstore keeper, fell in love with a grad student and made sure that he is there to ‘protect’ her and I mean protect, it literally means nobody should get in their way. We have all 3 seasons to prove that Joe might actually just be in the wrong place and at the wrong time. he keeps on getting himself in a situation that he cannot escape. In the second and third season, he met a real psycho, in the identity of Love, he married him for the reasons that a marriage shouldn’t even start with. His life actually revolved into killing people who just gets in the way and Love just prove that she can actually more than capable of doing Joe’s job more than him. They basically build a family but while building one, they failed to save their relationship, the harder they tried the complicated things have been ending. But the question is that, Is really Joe the bad one? For the season 3 recap, you click HERE.

Well, this 2023, the creators of YOU just made the show more complicated that it is today. Let’s start with Joe flying to Paris to follow Marienne, whom Love warned about Joe. She is running away from Joe to save herself and her daughter, which leads too Joe to start a new life as Jonathan Moore, a professor at a university in London. The real story of this season is when Joe meet the rich couple, Malcolm and Kate who are living adjacent to his apartment and like what Joe has been used to do, he’s peeping in the life of others, trying not to get involved but always ends up getting into their lives as quick as a fox can run.

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