Five Reasons Why Single Girls Overthink

It’s not the status nor the relationship goals girls see on social media, it’s the fact that they are single. In this world full of relationship goals, we should remember there are the ‘singles’ not the boys but the girls who struggle with being alone in life. Yes, we have friends, but at the end of the day, singles will be singles.

So, Here are the top five reasons why girls tend to overthink things especially when they are single.

1. Because I’m on my mid 20s; like everyone my age is either engaged, married or steady with a husband and kids.tumblr_onsqunyisl1r0jkkko1_500

Girls are so much different from boys because most girls are put into pressure ‘if she won’t marry on her 30s, she won’t conceive a child anymore’. They are the ones who will bear a child, and the perfect age for the is on your mid 20s not only scientifically but also financially. It’ll be hard to raise a child if you have it on you mid 30s. I bet you are still working for the child’s school on your 50s which should be your close-to-retirement age already.

And old people say that it is better that you have a child on your 20s for you to be able to balance life, work and yourself. You are young and there’s still number of years to spend before your 30s. If you’re single, it’s a waste of time to sit there and watch ’em couples be happy. Continue reading “Five Reasons Why Single Girls Overthink”

Different Faces of ‘Singles’

Single- (n.) is an individual person or thing rather than part of a pair or a group.


  1. Singles with responsibilities these are people who aren’t lucky enough to find someone while growing up. They usually mingle with their school friends but don’t share stories about their crushes because they don’t have one. Sometimes, these people choose to be single just as not to jeopardize their studies and make their parents proud of them until college—or maybe until they probably grow up and move out of their parents’ house—they usually say, “I’ve got to finish my major first”, “My dad won’t allow me…”, “Relationships are for people who have time to enjoy, I’m taking up my second degree now, I can’t just fall in love and forget about my career.”

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