Avengers: The Endgame (Whatever It Takes, Spoiler-Free Review)

“If we can’t protect the earth, you can be damned sure we’ll avenge it.” -Tony Stark, Avengers.

Note: No spoilers from the movie were spilled in this review. We respect, Stan.

Who would’ve known that from the very first entry of Iron Man last 2008, the MCU will grow and will relive comic heroes from Marvel Comics for the last 10 years? I’m so sure Stan Lee, was able to calculate that somehow.

This April 24, Marvel Studios has released the last instalment of the Avengers. From Iron Man to Infinity War, we were there and we saw how it grew up from 21 films for 10 years, which definitely no any other rival was able to break record, not even the DC Comics. Continue reading “Avengers: The Endgame (Whatever It Takes, Spoiler-Free Review)”

Captain Marvel: A Symbol of Selflessness in a Selfish World. (Moview)

“I’m not gonna fight your war. I’m gonna end it.” – Carol Danvers

Here we go again, folks! Another MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) entry is invading our minds this Women’s month; not only because it is a sequel entry but also it embodies the pride of all women’s celebrating as of the moment.

As the story goes, let me start with a disclaimer, this is a moview which may consists a little too much information you could ever read about the movie, in short, a possible spoiler.

Please close your computer and watch the movie first if you haven’t viewed it yet.

Read at your own risk…. Continue reading “Captain Marvel: A Symbol of Selflessness in a Selfish World. (Moview)”