Avatar: The Last Airbender Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Aang! Yes, you know it! From Nickelodeon, the famous cartoon has released its live action this 2024. We all know Aang as the Avatar, we have seen its cartoons in 2005, to my memories, it had 3 seasons and it was a kid friendly cartoon.

Avatar is a story of a world where 4 elements lead the balance of life, Air, Water, Land and Fire, these elements create the balance that the world of Avatar needs and there comes the Avatar, the only creature who can bend all the the elements, making him/her the leader of all elements. But when the last Avatar died, The Fire Nation took over and conquered other elements’ kingdoms, ruling the whole world as if their own. Killing all the element benders that can possibly become the next Avatar. But one remained and lived for 100 years.

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