TV Series You Need To Binge-watch this 2021

Hey guys! I know I haven’t been writing too much lately but I tried my best to keep up. I haven’t been so updated with movies because of the closing of cinemas so I’m rather stuck with subscribing TV Streaming apps such as Starzplay, OSN, Disney+, AppleTV, VIU and Netflix, well, I’m sure there’s other more.

There are so many latest TV Series and Movies which were actually available and if you need some fix on watching old TV Series, there are avaialbale ones too so here’s my list for 2021.

Let’s call this a part 1 of many.

  1. Bridgerton (Netflix) – Based on a novel series The Duke and I for Julia Quinn. It’s more like an English version of Gossip Girl. Well, I’d give this rating a 5 star because I love the books and I trust a series if it’s produced by The Shonda Rhimes. So if you enjoyed Gossip Girl, might as well, meet Lady Whistledown.

2. Mandalorian (Disney+) – It is the first live-action series in the Star Wars franchise, beginning five years after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983). So if you love Star Wars, this one’s for you! Plus, I love seeing baby Yoda!

3. Bling Empire (Netflix) – If you never got the hang from Crazy Rich Asians, then this new reality show about real-life rich Asians who are constantly enjoying their lavish life more than any rich people can imagine. I’m talking about signature brands and high-fashion jewelry plus the drama in this documentary is very much a representation of the rich Asian Community in Los Angeles.

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10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown

I know we are all bored and bummed because of the current situation circulating worldwide because of the Covid19 and at the end of the day, we cannot do anything but follow the lockdown protocols and stay at home. But what can we do inside our homes? I’ve got a lot in my list but surely not everyone can enjoy, exercise, drawing, online studying, cooking; but everyone can have a little distraction by watching TV, Netflix or Movies.

When choosing a specific film or series to watch on Netflix, I guess I’m not alone when I say, I take the entire day choosing what to watch and I always end up not watching anything at all.

Well, for the entire time I have been watching and reviewing films, I also watch TV Series and I bet I can give you 10 on my list for you to try and enjoy while you’re in a quarantine or lockdown.

Let’s start!

1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (1994)

If you want comedy but with life lessons, FRIENDS is for you! This is a story about adulting and other stuff with it. Six reckless adults living in Manhattan; with different lives but together, they made their lives more than adventurous and a life you’ll want for yourself and your friends someday. Continue reading “10 TV Series You Need To See During This Lockdown”