Avatar: The Last Airbender Review

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Aang! Yes, you know it! From Nickelodeon, the famous cartoon has released its live action this 2024. We all know Aang as the Avatar, we have seen its cartoons in 2005, to my memories, it had 3 seasons and it was a kid friendly cartoon.

Avatar is a story of a world where 4 elements lead the balance of life, Air, Water, Land and Fire, these elements create the balance that the world of Avatar needs and there comes the Avatar, the only creature who can bend all the the elements, making him/her the leader of all elements. But when the last Avatar died, The Fire Nation took over and conquered other elements’ kingdoms, ruling the whole world as if their own. Killing all the element benders that can possibly become the next Avatar. But one remained and lived for 100 years.

Aang was trapped in an iceberg, only to wake up after 100 years, not aware of what happened, he discovered that his kind were all killed by the Fire Nation 100 years ago and now, he is the last Airbender left in the history, but not only the last Airbender but the Avatar. He is set foot to travel the world in search for master who can train him to be the next Avatar. With his friends, he will take on the battle of becoming the next Avatar while saving lives of people and other benders like him.

Netflix has released its live action version this February and man, you won’t be disappointed. If you know Aang and have watched all its cartoons, then you will love how they made it into live action. Considering this is a cartoon adaptation, the concept didn’t make it easy. They have to research and make it more realistic. Especially because Avatar is very different from any other kids cartoon series.

From its characters to the story plot, they made sure that they went close to the original one. For those who will compare, yes, the cartoon made it more easy for kids to understand and it is way more comic than the live action. In the cartoon, they started the pilot episode by having no context of what happened to Aang and what is their world all about, they slowly had it coming in each episode, explaining the elements and other things but in the live action, they made sure, viewers can get a dose of history of how and why Aang became the Last Airbender.

As a movie reviewer, this is the easiest 5 star from all the movies and series that I ahve watched. I couldn’t say anything bad about this series because they actually made a great adaptation and to its actors and actresses, they made it more easier to love the show, Zuko maybe one of the antagonist, but they gave us a reason to love him more and as for Aang, its character is one of a kind. Well, it matches the energy of the cartoon Aang and its goofiness.

The only difference between the cartoon and the live action, maybe because of its audience, the cartoon is more on comedic side while the live action maintained the seriousness of each episodes while still giving us a little comedy. Moreover, there’s so much story that they need to fill up which means I think a second season will be possible.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this series and as expected, I would give this 100% wonderroanne rating.

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