Madame Web Review

Rating: 1 out of 5.

We all know that Spider-man has so many multiverse versions, to name the most recent one, Spider-man: Across the Verse, the whole Spider-man shows that there’s an endless possibilities of Spider-man versions. Even in movies, we saw three different Spider-man versions played by Toby Mcguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland and even the part where we are seeing Venom in the latest version. It’s like yes, we are in this Spider-man multiverse but we are actually updated of whatever can happen in each multiverse. Thanks to Marvel/Disney for not doing any big leap on changing Spider-man stories, most of these movies were actually close to the comics.

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Morbius (A Moview)

I don’t know why this took me this long to write a review for one Marvel movie. Sometimes, just like in reading books, we get this pause and we just think what’s the sense of this? I know it will be such a disappointment to my Marvel-fan readers but this is the reality, there are movies that don’t fit well on the course of the reviews. But I believe I can actually write a good thing about the latest Morbius movie that was released last April.

Well if you still feel curious about how this movie became a flop but somehow managed to survive the judgement of the entire Marvel-fan community, well, better to click more!

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The Eternals, Do We Like It?

I still cannot contemplate on how I will start reviewing the new Marvel movies, starting from Shang Chi to the Eternals. If you have noticed, I haven’t done any reviews since the release date because I believe it is no great work for me to conclude something I’m literally confused about. Not to mention the flawless and epic transition of Spiderman and Venom in the latest MCU. My question is, where do Shang Chi and Eternal go in this timeline? Are they going to meet the newest Avengers or even help them?

Who are the Eternals? In a world where we know the Avengers, here comes the Eternals. These are the gods of the MCU and they are not just any superheroes, they are considered the gods in the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe and when I say gods, I’m talking about the mythical gods who were believe to have lived thousands of years. In the comics, Eternals were sent to experiment on humans which depicts the mere existence of Eternals, they are still under celestials. In short, Celestials are the real gods. In the movie, they are still created by celestials but only to continue the cycle of creating a universe where they are instruments of destruction, it’s like they were considered the bomb that will make the world vanish and so that story leads us to the whole plot of the movie.

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Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey – (Comic Comparison)

“Now that I’ve cut ties with Mr. J, I’m about to learn that a lot of people want me dead.”- Harley Quinn

From its $81 Million box office, directed by Cathy Chan, another Harley Quin story is out. Following after her break up with Mr. J (The Joker), Harley is now open for business. Trying to live out of the shadows, Harley wants to start and make her name on top again.

With her creative stunts that called out all the possible haters, Harley started by removing all her connections to Mr. J and with the news out in the open, many people are now on the run on killing her.

Her connections with the Black Mask, played by Ewan McGregor, she entered a deal she cannot Continue reading “Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey – (Comic Comparison)”