Madame Web Review

Rating: 1 out of 5.

We all know that Spider-man has so many multiverse versions, to name the most recent one, Spider-man: Across the Verse, the whole Spider-man shows that there’s an endless possibilities of Spider-man versions. Even in movies, we saw three different Spider-man versions played by Toby Mcguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland and even the part where we are seeing Venom in the latest version. It’s like yes, we are in this Spider-man multiverse but we are actually updated of whatever can happen in each multiverse. Thanks to Marvel/Disney for not doing any big leap on changing Spider-man stories, most of these movies were actually close to the comics.

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The Marvels Review

Rating: 3 out of 5.

This won’t be the first and last time I will be reviewing a really surprising very not-so-relatable movie for Marvel. I did reviewed some but this is the first time I really didn’t get the plot of the whole movie, like, okay, we come a long way on trying to do crossover nowadays but this is way out of context, for me, or maybe I’m just too bored with the crossover they have been doing from movies to TV series like we cannot just catch-up.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

In the past year, Black Panther movie has shaken the entire world and made a mark to Marvel and non-Marvel fans. Chadwick Boseman is one of the most remarkable actor in the industry, everything has been said about him, good praises for his acting for the role of King T’Challa up to becoming the Black Panther, Chadwick has really marked his name on that Hollywood stone. However, his limelight and dreams were cut short after he was diagnosed of Colon Cancer. While in treatment, he was able to join and do cameos for other MCU Films, but sadly, he passed away at 43 years old last August 28, 2020. It was a very heart breaking moment for all, not only his family but for everyone in the industry and even his fans. The world has mourned his death, the death of a man and the King of Wakanda.

Two years after his death, Marvel `Cinematic Universe has emerged forward and released the film Black Panther: Wakanda `Forever and this movie is not just any other MCU movies out there

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THOR: Love & Thunder (Spoiler Alert)

Let’s talk about Thor, God of Thunder and one of the Avengers but where is he now? I know it is rather a question what happened during his stay with the Guardians of Galaxy, well, this movie is the answer to your question. The latest installment of Marvel for Thor’s story is rather a comic-feel movie rather than a movie which can give you clues for the MCU as a matter of fact, This can be watched by its own.

This review has a positive spoilers about the entire movie, so if you are not a fan of spoilers, then bookmark this site and read it later after you watch the movie.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Does It Fit The Title Though?

Marvel has been really doing an upgrade to its movies especially to this phase four lately, but what Marvel doesn’t know is that they’re kinda overdoing it and it’s kinda affecting the product that they are giving the viewers. Let’s just say this movie is quite a big follow-up especially how a huge success was the Spiderman: No Way Home was. But what they failed to see is people will start comparing this movie to that multi-verse plot especially with how it will fall as a possible continuation for all the multiverse movies that they will make.

As strange as it sounds, picking up from Spiderman to this is kinda taking so many loop holes but since Spiderman is taken over by Sony, I guess there will be enough reasons to consider that Marvel is actually trying to revive a plot and making a new one after the Spiderman exit. Spiderman series is just doing its own thing but the Marvel Phase Four was dented. So how can this movie changed the possible future for MCU?

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Morbius (A Moview)

I don’t know why this took me this long to write a review for one Marvel movie. Sometimes, just like in reading books, we get this pause and we just think what’s the sense of this? I know it will be such a disappointment to my Marvel-fan readers but this is the reality, there are movies that don’t fit well on the course of the reviews. But I believe I can actually write a good thing about the latest Morbius movie that was released last April.

Well if you still feel curious about how this movie became a flop but somehow managed to survive the judgement of the entire Marvel-fan community, well, better to click more!

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Spiderman: No Way Home (A Moview) Part 2 (Spoiler)

For those who haven’t read the part 1 of my moviews, I wrote my sentiments while watching the film, here’s the article and you can read HERE. So this second part of my review will focus on the comparison of the Spiderman: No Way Home and comics versions, post credit scenes and the possibility and futures of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If you’re still reading this even after so many warnings that this contains spoiler from the movies, then you might have watched the movie already, so yes, go scroll down, but if not, don’t blame me for spoiling so much! ✌🏻(At this point, I believe that everyone have watched the movie and spoilers is okay.)

Images were from Google Images

Comic to Movie Comparison

The plot line for Spiderman: No Way Home is more similar to the comic version The Amazing Spiderman: One More Day which was published in 2007. This is a 4-part comic story where the crossover for 3 Spiderman happens and yes, I can tell you it is definitely adapted on that story but of course, changes are there to be able to match the current MCU timeline.

In the comics, Aunt May dies of gunshot wound that happened in the Civil War, while in the movie she dies because of a wound caused by Goblin’s glider. In the movie, Peter focused on fixing his present day situation and asked the help of Dr. Strange to erase the world’s memories of his identity. In the comics, He seeks the help from Tony Stark and Dr. Strange to bring back Aunt May’s life; and I believed he seek Dr. Doom and and Dr. Octopus for help.

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Spiderman: No Way Home (A Blow-by-Blow Reaction) Part 1 of 2 Moviews

Okay this is the start of a new chapter for our friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Yes, this sequel comes after the scene where Mysterio was killed in the battle of Spiderman however, there was a huge turn of events. You see, I’m starting this article not with my normal lead paragraph in which I get to tell you the $700 Million Blockbuster ticket sales for the first five days after the release or did I? Yap! First day it hit the cinemas everyone is in their seats, with their popcorns and sodas, with cellphones on silent. I know, this is probably not the end game but this is Spiderman. This dude can outlive sales of all the DC movies even without the avengers’ name in the title. (For a DC fan to say that, Spiderman really can have his own universe and still keep staggering sales)

Anyway, back to the blog, you may have noticed the title, I said blow by blow, this term is actually used in journalism and especially in Broadcasting, it means it is a narrative of all the details in order to give a more precise information. This is actually done during reports. I know of it coz I majored in journalism so, I think as an avid fan of Spiderman, my readers deserve my blow by blow reactions in this installment. As you see I have watched all Spiderman movies and read most of the comics even the new Venom movies, I had written all of them in my blog so for me to give an insight on how I actually fill my notes while I watch the movie, yes, I take notes while watching the movie, I think this could help reader understand my entire excitement while watching the movie. This could be the longest article I will be writing (despite my writer’s block) and I hope I do some justice on explaining some events that were actually connected in the MCU universe and my verdict of the movie and post credits.

Again, just a disclaimer, I managed to keep my notes to myself, for more than a month since the day of the release. I promise my readers not to spoil it by writing it a little early coz some countries haven’t watched the Spiderman yet because of pandemic situation. This will be a full on spoiler post. So for those who haven’t watch, stop right here and don’t click more or scroll more. But for those who did, click more and let’s begin the exciting reaction while watching the film.

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The Eternals, Do We Like It?

I still cannot contemplate on how I will start reviewing the new Marvel movies, starting from Shang Chi to the Eternals. If you have noticed, I haven’t done any reviews since the release date because I believe it is no great work for me to conclude something I’m literally confused about. Not to mention the flawless and epic transition of Spiderman and Venom in the latest MCU. My question is, where do Shang Chi and Eternal go in this timeline? Are they going to meet the newest Avengers or even help them?

Who are the Eternals? In a world where we know the Avengers, here comes the Eternals. These are the gods of the MCU and they are not just any superheroes, they are considered the gods in the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe and when I say gods, I’m talking about the mythical gods who were believe to have lived thousands of years. In the comics, Eternals were sent to experiment on humans which depicts the mere existence of Eternals, they are still under celestials. In short, Celestials are the real gods. In the movie, they are still created by celestials but only to continue the cycle of creating a universe where they are instruments of destruction, it’s like they were considered the bomb that will make the world vanish and so that story leads us to the whole plot of the movie.

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