Madame Web Review

Rating: 1 out of 5.

We all know that Spider-man has so many multiverse versions, to name the most recent one, Spider-man: Across the Verse, the whole Spider-man shows that there’s an endless possibilities of Spider-man versions. Even in movies, we saw three different Spider-man versions played by Toby Mcguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland and even the part where we are seeing Venom in the latest version. It’s like yes, we are in this Spider-man multiverse but we are actually updated of whatever can happen in each multiverse. Thanks to Marvel/Disney for not doing any big leap on changing Spider-man stories, most of these movies were actually close to the comics.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

In the past year, Black Panther movie has shaken the entire world and made a mark to Marvel and non-Marvel fans. Chadwick Boseman is one of the most remarkable actor in the industry, everything has been said about him, good praises for his acting for the role of King T’Challa up to becoming the Black Panther, Chadwick has really marked his name on that Hollywood stone. However, his limelight and dreams were cut short after he was diagnosed of Colon Cancer. While in treatment, he was able to join and do cameos for other MCU Films, but sadly, he passed away at 43 years old last August 28, 2020. It was a very heart breaking moment for all, not only his family but for everyone in the industry and even his fans. The world has mourned his death, the death of a man and the King of Wakanda.

Two years after his death, Marvel `Cinematic Universe has emerged forward and released the film Black Panther: Wakanda `Forever and this movie is not just any other MCU movies out there

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THOR: Love & Thunder (Spoiler Alert)

Let’s talk about Thor, God of Thunder and one of the Avengers but where is he now? I know it is rather a question what happened during his stay with the Guardians of Galaxy, well, this movie is the answer to your question. The latest installment of Marvel for Thor’s story is rather a comic-feel movie rather than a movie which can give you clues for the MCU as a matter of fact, This can be watched by its own.

This review has a positive spoilers about the entire movie, so if you are not a fan of spoilers, then bookmark this site and read it later after you watch the movie.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Does It Fit The Title Though?

Marvel has been really doing an upgrade to its movies especially to this phase four lately, but what Marvel doesn’t know is that they’re kinda overdoing it and it’s kinda affecting the product that they are giving the viewers. Let’s just say this movie is quite a big follow-up especially how a huge success was the Spiderman: No Way Home was. But what they failed to see is people will start comparing this movie to that multi-verse plot especially with how it will fall as a possible continuation for all the multiverse movies that they will make.

As strange as it sounds, picking up from Spiderman to this is kinda taking so many loop holes but since Spiderman is taken over by Sony, I guess there will be enough reasons to consider that Marvel is actually trying to revive a plot and making a new one after the Spiderman exit. Spiderman series is just doing its own thing but the Marvel Phase Four was dented. So how can this movie changed the possible future for MCU?

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Morbius (A Moview)

I don’t know why this took me this long to write a review for one Marvel movie. Sometimes, just like in reading books, we get this pause and we just think what’s the sense of this? I know it will be such a disappointment to my Marvel-fan readers but this is the reality, there are movies that don’t fit well on the course of the reviews. But I believe I can actually write a good thing about the latest Morbius movie that was released last April.

Well if you still feel curious about how this movie became a flop but somehow managed to survive the judgement of the entire Marvel-fan community, well, better to click more!

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Spiderman: No Way Home (A Moview) Part 2 (Spoiler)

For those who haven’t read the part 1 of my moviews, I wrote my sentiments while watching the film, here’s the article and you can read HERE. So this second part of my review will focus on the comparison of the Spiderman: No Way Home and comics versions, post credit scenes and the possibility and futures of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If you’re still reading this even after so many warnings that this contains spoiler from the movies, then you might have watched the movie already, so yes, go scroll down, but if not, don’t blame me for spoiling so much! ✌🏻(At this point, I believe that everyone have watched the movie and spoilers is okay.)

Images were from Google Images

Comic to Movie Comparison

The plot line for Spiderman: No Way Home is more similar to the comic version The Amazing Spiderman: One More Day which was published in 2007. This is a 4-part comic story where the crossover for 3 Spiderman happens and yes, I can tell you it is definitely adapted on that story but of course, changes are there to be able to match the current MCU timeline.

In the comics, Aunt May dies of gunshot wound that happened in the Civil War, while in the movie she dies because of a wound caused by Goblin’s glider. In the movie, Peter focused on fixing his present day situation and asked the help of Dr. Strange to erase the world’s memories of his identity. In the comics, He seeks the help from Tony Stark and Dr. Strange to bring back Aunt May’s life; and I believed he seek Dr. Doom and and Dr. Octopus for help.

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

In the midst of the world getting excited about Shang Chi and other new characters on the Marvel world, here I am, geeking about Venom and Spiderman. This October, Marvel has released the second sequel of the 2018 movie Venom. Tom Hardy is still playing Eddie/Venom while Woody Harrelson still plays Cletus Kasady. I know this is a deeper villain story not even focusing on Spiderman at all but I think viewers deserve a story behind the infamous Venom and Carnage.

For those who aren’t familiar of comics, Carnage is the result of the merging of the alien symbiote, Venom, with Cletus Kasady during an encounter in a prison breakout. They call it the offspring of Venom but stronger, smarter and more dangerous. In the new sequel of Venom we all saw how Venom is connected to Eddie in more ways we can imagine.

To be able to live in Eddie’s body, in the first movie, they agreed that he will stay in his body but with certain condition and one of them is not to eat humans and eat chickens instead; the second one is that he can eat human brain only if necessary. I’m not sure how does that contract varies but yes, they live quite while munching on chocolates and chickens however the dismay of Venom was showed in the latest movie. It’s like their bond is starting to crumble.

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Black Widow: A Moview

Most movies now are embracing the reverse flashback plots (I called it like that coz most of these flashbacks were actually the main event in a movie) It’s like directors have been okay with the result-first-before-the-cause kind of plots which I do not complain about but this particular movie, I think deserves more than a flashback. I’m talking about the newest released, Black Widow. So yeah, this is about the newest released of the the Marvel Studios, Black Widow.

In other angle, Marvel is now embracing the villain stories which DC Movies had already made, (e.g. Suicide Squad, Joker, League of Legends etc…)

Just this 8th of July, Marvel has released another new movie after being postponed because of Covid19, finally, we will see Black Widow Movie in cinemas. Anyway, I wanna discuss this movie or maybe talk about how the plot is and where does it becomes relevant with. You might find a few spoilers but let’s see how we could detail this review.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert! Whatever you read here is only based on what I’ve seen and what I think I feel while seeing this movie. To be fair and I won’t be blamed for spoiling, watch it first before you continue reading this article.

Let’s begin!

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What’s Next For MCU: An analysis

Thanos: I am inevitable.

Tony Stark: I am…. I am Iron Man.

Last April, the final entry for the sequel after 11 years was released-The Avengers: End Game-and everyone is making a fuss about how it ended and how it broke records on its release date aside from it’s record breaking views within 24 hours of the trailer’s release. The ticket pre-sales also went up to 120 million dollars and the fastest film to hit 100 million dollars in the BOX Office and with 160 million dollars during it’s first day, this movie has hit all the records in the film industry known.

With good reviews from top movie review sites, MCU hits the jackpot better than they did during the Infinity War.

So after all these big stuffs, what did the Endgame really brought to the viewers? Do we have a sequel or another series for the MCU or that was the complete end of the 11 year run story?

Well, this part two of my Endgame review will answer all those questions, so if you want to know what’s next for the MCU, then continue reading… Continue reading “What’s Next For MCU: An analysis”